Argument in the snow

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"Reflect!" Ironhide shouts, running towards the medbay. the sparkling slams straight into his leg and screams, reaching up for him. "what? what happened?" Ironhide ask, picking him up quickly. Reflect whines.

"is he okay?" Bumblebee ask, running over.

"Reflect what happened?" Ironhide ask. the sparkling just cuddles up to him quietly.

"he's fine, he's not hurt."

"what the frag happened Jack?"

"uh... he walked in on me and Ratch."

"he saw you two interfacing? no wonder he screamed."


"Ironhide? what happened?" Optimus asks, frowning.

"kids find. just walked in on Ratchet and Jack interfacing. poor squirts traumatized." Ironhide mutters, cuddling the sparkling. he looks amused, patting the sparklings back gently. Reflect whines, burying his face in Ironhide neck.

"oh thats reasonable Reflect, I'm traumatized just hearing about it." Bumblebee mutters, walking off. Optimus chuckles softly, patting the sparklings head gently.

"well, it could be worse I guess." Optimus snorts. Ironhide looks at him confused. "well they only just walked into the medbay less than five minutes ago. so it could certainly be worse." Optimus adds.

"thats true. there was that one time right after the war started." Ironhide mutters. Optimus shutters a little, laughing.

"we do not talk about that Ironhide." Optimus laughs, walking off.

"maybe you don't! its funny now Prime!" Ironhide shouts after him. Optimus snorts, waving his words off. "come on little one, lets go play in the snow." Ironhide murmurs. Reflect sits back.

"Ratch and Jack yucky!" Reflect huffs. Ironhide laughs, cuddling him.

"yeah, can't be all that fun to see your caregivers fraggin." Ironhide snorts, carrying the sparkling back outside.

"s'yucky!" Reflect says. Ironhide snorts.

"yup." Ironhide chuckles, carrying him outside. Reflect looks around a moment.

"Will like snow?" Reflect ask.

"oh yeah. he loved snow. come on over here squirt. I'll show you how to make a snow angel. something humans make in the snow. I'm not sure why, but Will would not let us play in the snow without making a snow angel. I think it was just something he did as a sparkling. I remember seeing him make them once with Annie..." Ironhide murmurs. he sets the sparkling down gently, backing away from him.

"what Ironhide do?" Reflect ask.

"hold on." Ironhide snorts, he spreads his arms out and drops backwards into the snow, making the ground shake pretty hard. Reflect squeals and giggles happily, climbing up onto the mechs chest and watching him wave his arms and legs around. he gets up after a moment, carefully holding the sparkling.

"my turn! my turn!" Reflect squeals.

"alright squirt, your turn." Ironhide murmurs. he sets the sparkling down and watches him flop backwards the same way he had. the ground shakes just a little. he watches the sparkling wave his arms and legs, giggling. Ironhide chuckles, picking him up gently. "look at that little one." Ironhide murmurs, pointing at the ground. Reflect squeals giggling happily and cuddles up to him.

"snow angle!" Reflect chirps.

"angel. snow angel." Ironhide murmurs gently. Reflect giggles happily.

"Ironhide throw Reflect." Reflect squeals.

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