A dream against the rules

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"okay. we'll get you one and I'll take you back to Wheeljack, alright?" Ratchet ask. Reflect nods. "alright." Ratchet murmurs, heading out of the medbay. they bump into the Prime on their way out.

"oh, Ratchet, I was just coming to see you." Optimus says.

"Prime? are you alright?" Ratchet asks. a quick glance over him doesn't show the medic any obvious injuries.

"oh, I'm not injured friend, I was just coming to check on Reflect. I hadn't gotten an update in a while so I was worried." Optimus frowns.

"oh, he and Jack were napping. he just got up. he needs a cube." Ratchet murmurs, shifting the sparkling. Reflect doesn't looking up, hugging Ratchets neck and burying his face in the medics neck. "did all the lights get replaced in the rec room?" Ratchet ask.

"yes. the twins replaced the lightbulbs and swept up the glass. the humans went over the entire area with other cleaning supplies to make sure all the glass was picked up." Optimus assures. "hows Reflect?" Optimus ask.

"he's still shaken. hasn't said a word yet, not since he came out of whatever it was, but he's alright." Ratchet assures gently. Optimus nods and pats the sparklings head gently. Reflect curls up more, whimpering. "okay come on squirt. lets get you a cube little one." Ratchet murmurs, carrying him off carefully.

he sits with the sparkling and the sparklings cube. Reflect won't even look at him, curled against his chest, staring down and sucking his cube down. Ratchet rubs his cheek gently, kissing his head gently. Reflect grunts quietly, playing with his own leg plating.

"excuse me. you stole my sparkling." Wheeljack teases walking into the rec room.

"our sparkling." Ratchet grumbles. Wheeljack smiles, walking over to them. Reflect doesn't look up, gripping his cube with one servo, but reaches the other up to Wheeljack. "he wants you." Ratchet says, standing to give the sparkling over. Wheeljack nods and takes Reflect gently.

"thats alright. he usually wants you." Wheeljack murmurs, rubbing the top of the sparklings head gently. Reflect whines softly, sucking his cube down.

"how is he?" Ironhide grumbles walking into the rec room. Ratchet shoots him the nastiest look.

"still upset." Wheeljack murmurs softly, nuzzling the sparkling. Ironhide grabs himself a cube and turns to them, walking over.

"hey squirt." Ironhide says, watching the sparkling. Reflect turns his head away, silently drinking his cube. "not gonna talk to me?" Ironhide asks. Reflect stills a moment, before pushing the cube away and turning to hug Wheeljacks neck, so the weapons specialist couldn't look at him.

"he's not talking to anyone for your information." Ratchet says curtly.

"but after the way Jazz said you screamed at him, I wouldn't talk to you if I was him either." Wheeljack huffs. Reflect clings to the inventor.

"you don't have to be like that." Ironhide grumbles.

"us? do you have any idea how hard he screamed for you earlier? and you just ignored him!" Ratchet snaps.

"I wasn't-" Ironhide tries.

"look whatevers going on in your CPU is your problem, unless its a medical issue, then its my problem, but it is absolutely never, EVER, not in a million fucking years, NEVER EVER the sparklings problem! don't you ever fucking dare take your damn frustraitions out on my sparkling, or I'll take mine out on you!" Ratchet snaps, growling. Ironhide raises an optic ridge.

"geez Ratchet, whose moody now?" Ironhide snorts.

"moody? MOOD?! get your aft over here Ironhide and I'll fragging show you MOODY!" Ratchet snaps. Wheeljack immediately grabs the medic gently, pulling him to his side.

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