Dreamy visit

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they only head back to the base once Ironhides signal stops going off for good, they don't want to risk it waking anyone up.

the weapons specialist is silent and Ratchet respects his silence, offering silent support as they drive.

"Ratchet!? where are you!? where's the sparkling!? are you two okay!?"

Ratchet swerves catching Ironhides attention.

"you okay?" Ironhide mutters.

"Wheeljack just got up." Ratchet assures. "the sparkling, Ironhide, and I went out for a drive. we're on our way back to the base now, the sparkling is fine, just wouldn't sleep." Ratchet assures.

"thank Primus." Wheeljack murmurs.

"we'll be back soon, go on back to bed." Ratchet murmurs.

"you alright? you seem nervous." Ironhide mutters.

"I'm fine. just told Wheeljack we had the sparkling with us." Ratchet mutters.

"liar." Ironhide mutters.

"yeah I know, but I wasn't going to tell him why we were really out here and that we were without the sparkling." Ratchet frowns. it goes quiet between the two for a bit. "hey Hide?" Ratchet says.

"hmmm?" Ironhide asks.

"I don't want you running off like that again please. with your spark hurting like that. I may be the team medic, but we were sparkling hood friends first. I don't want you to just take off and yoru spark end up offlining you. at least let me know, okay?" Ratchet ask. the truck shifts as he drives, before bouncing slightly in a nod.

"alright." Ironhide agrees. "I'm sorry, you weren't my main priority, Reflect was. he woke up when I was trying to leave and I didn't want his cries to wake everyone up." Ironhide murmurs.

"I'd rather his cries wake everyone than your spark offline you." Ratchet frowns.

"I wasn't worried about that." Ironhide huffs.

"I know you weren't. you, Prime, and I are old friends though, you two are my oldest friends besides Wheeljack of course, I wouldn't want either of you to had issues like this and just... run off to die by yourself." Ratchet frowns.

"right, sorry Ratch." Ironhide frowns.

"don't worry Hide, just don't do it again." Ratchet murmurs.

they transform as they get to the base, quickly heading to Ironhides room to check on the sparkling. Reflect is sitting on the berth silently when they walk in. he looks sleepy still.

"hey sparkling, don't worry." Ratchet murmurs.

"wanna take him back with you?" Ironhide asks, scooping the sparkling up. Reflect clings to Ironhide, holding onto him hard. his little fingers sluggishly, poor little sparkling just woke up, dig into the seams of Ironhides armor, refusing to detach.

"I dunno Hide, looks like he'd rather stay with you." Ratchet frowns a little. "just let him stay with you tonight Hide, but if he gets to be a handful, just call me and I'll come get him alright?" he asks. Ironhide shrugs a little, shifting the sparkling carefully, he doesn't want to hurt the sparklings little fingers that are shoved into the seams of his armor. "unless you don't want to keep him tonight." Ratchet adds.

"no he's fine here with me, doesn't seem like he's gonna let go, better to just keep him. I don't want him to wake the base with his screaming." Ironhide says.

"I can handle him Ironhide. I could have him back in stasis before even leaving your room. this is up to you." Ratchet assures. Ironhide shakes his head.

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