No naps allowed

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"hey! don't go in there Reflect." Optimus frowns, but the sparkling is gone before he can grab him.

"Ratchet, Reflect crawled into the vents again."

"again? I told you guys to start screwing those damn grates on! what pissed him off this time?"

"apparently we're playing keep away with the sparkling. we are keeping him away from Jazz. Prowl refused to play so he said he'd keep himself away on his own and crawled into the vent."

"the vent from Prowls office? that only has two exists."

Ratchet heads quickly to the one nearest the medbay. he's hoping he can get the sparkling to come to him. he pops the grate off and crouches down.

"hey, get out of there." Ratchet calls into the vent. he gets a giggle in response. "Reflect. get your aft out of that vent." Ratchet warns.

"Reflect is!" Reflect calls back.

"I hate these industrial sized vents." Ratchet grumbles. Reflect crawls out and smiles at him.

"hi Ratchet." Reflect giggles. Ratchet frowns and picks him up.

"what did I say about those vents?" Ratchet frowns.

"to not to." Reflect pouts. "but had too! Reflect escape! Prowl stupid. keep away Jazz. Prowl no play. Reflect escape." Reflect frowns. Ratchet shakes his head, looking annoyed.

"yeah? and why didn't you go bother Wheeljack then?" Ratchet ask. Reflect frowns.

"Jack say no play, say hurt." Reflect mumbles. Ratchet raises an optic ridge.

"what do you mean? I just put him back together, he should be fine." Ratchet frowns.

"Jack say hurt, no play." Reflect mumbles.

"well I guess the game is over because now we have to go figure out whats wrong with Jack." Ratchet frowns.

"but Opmis teach Reflect fly." Reflect pouts.

"it'll have to wait... Bumblebee is back and he has Sam. we'll see them on the way to see Wheeljack, come on." Ratchet murmurs.

"Sam? Sam okay?" Reflect ask.

"yes Bumblebee says Sams okay." Ratchet assures. Reflect squirms to get free.

"lemme go!" Reflect whines. Ratchet puts him down gently and watches him run off.

"there you are, you ready to draw?" Jazz ask.

"NO! MOVE!" Reflect shouts. Jazz optic ridges shoot up in shock. "Reflect see Sam!" he growls, running past him.

"don't get in his way Jazz." Ratchet warns.

"I'll try not to." Jazz snorts.

"BUMBLEBEEEEEE!!!" Reflect screams, slamming straight into the front end of the camaro as he pulls into the base. he yelps and lands on his aft, groaning. he pouts rubbing his face.

"Reflect! are you okay?" Bumblebee ask, holoform getting out quickly to help the sparkling up. Reflect looks up at him smacking his holoform away.

"where Sam?" Reflect ask.

"I'm okay Reflect, I'm okay." Sam assures getting out. he chuckles a little, smiling at the sparkling. Sams got a shoulder sling on and his face is busted up, but despite the dry blood and the bruises, he looks fine.

"Sam!" Reflect shouts, scrambling out of the floor and running over to him. he's careful, but hugs Sam as tight as he dares. Sam smiles and wraps his good arm around him gently. the teen chuckles as Reflect picks him up in a hug, then puts him back down.

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