My choice is made

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"I'm not the sparkling... well, technically I am, but I'm not. does that make sense? uh, god man this is harder than they said it would be. what the hell am I supposed to say here, hey guys, I know I've been dead for a year and now I'm suddenly taking over a sparkling body just doesn't seem right." Will mutters.

"wait... William? what is happening?" Optimus asks confused.

"uh, its a lot to explain, but yeah, it's me. its Captain William David Lennox. say my whole name to hopefully convince you guys, because this fucker says my name a lot." Will says, pointing at Ironhide slightly. he looks around at everyone, suddenly feeling sick.

wow I've never had complete and utter control of this body, everything is weird.

"prove it." Ironhide grunts.

"huh?" Will asks, looking over.

"prove its Will and not Reflect fucking up after that wire chewing thing." Ironhide glares.

"prove it? I told you my full name, that no one on base has ever told Reflect. what you want my social security number?" Will asks.

"you could've seen his full name anywhere." Ironhide huffs.

"prove it? okay fine. how would you like me to do that?" Will asks. the four bots stare at him so Will rolls his optics and looks over at Ironhide. "y'know what? you stubborn old bastard, you want proof, I got it." Will smirks. he stares Ironhide down, until the bigger mechs optics widen and he stumbles.

"shit." Wheeljack yelps, catching the bot.

"what did you do?" Ratchet frowns.

"relax. he's alright. I wouldn't hurt Ironhide, I wouldn't hurt any of you, not on purpose. he was being an ass so I didn't take it easy on him, but I believe I've proved myself, yeah Hide?" Will ask. everyone looks at the Weapons Specialist, who slowly stumbles away from Wheeljack shaking his head a little. he has an odd look on his face as he rubs his chest plate a little.

"yeah. alright. you've proved yourself." Ironhide mutters. "s'Will." Ironhide mutters.

"and how did he do that?" Wheeljack scoffs. Ratchet looks between Will and Ironhide.

"he opened the bond." Ratchet says.

"huh? but he's a sparkling, he doesn't.... right...?" Wheeljack ask.

"yes, technically." Will says pointing at Wheeljack. "okay, I owe explanation. I get that. first off, sorry about that." Will says. "um.. I died and met the past Primes. they felt bad the Allspark was killing me and because Starscream stomped on me, they decided I deserved a second chance... but in doing so, I wasn't the only one they decided needed a second chance." Will says, looking over at Ratchet and Wheeljack. "and boom, I end up in this body, being called Reflect. cute name by the way. I've been living life here as a sparkling being controlled by the Primes completely until the other day. when I pushed Sam out from in front of Sideswipe, I earned some new Allspark marking that makes me a future Prime or something, and earned a little control of my body." Will shrugs a little. Wheeljack looks a little lost and Ratchet looks absolutely angry.

"so you mean to tell me, they used us? they gave us a sparkling they were going to take away? for a second time, we get to lose a sparkling? hmm?" Ratchet snaps.

"you don't have to lose him. I.. I'm trying to explain everything. I don't understand either alright? I'm trying, no one has told me how difficult it would be to do this alright? I'm sorry. I didn't get a choice here. I woke up in this body one your medbay berth. okay? I didn't even know I was a sparkling and I didn't have any control. hell its been a year and the damn Primes are still controlling me. I don't have the majority of control of the body, or I didn't, I will after today." Will says.

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