Visiting Bari

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t takes a week for the base to feel better, especially Reflect. he's still sluggish and tired, but he's getting around the base again and his antivirus has finally been uploaded. its only almost 4AM and he's already up running around.

he walks into the rec room looking around.

"hey Reflect! you feeling better?" Bumblebee smiles. Reflect nods at him, stretching.

"what'cha doing?" Sam smiles.

"looking." he mumbles.

"for?" Sam ask. Reflect turns to face him.

"marker." Reflect frowns.

"oh those are on a shelf over there. I'll get them down." Bumblebee smiles. Reflect nods at him, walking after him.

"okay." Reflect says.

"what are you going to draw?" Sam ask.

"a picture." he says. takes the markers and paper when Bumblebee sets them down and starts drawing. Sam watches him. he only draws for a few minutes before getting up with his drawing and running off.

he's not paying any attention and slams straight into Ironhides leg as he rounds a corner. it startles them both, knocking the sparkling over. he whines, rubbing his face with a pout, before looking up.

"Reflect? you alright?" Ironhide ask. Reflect looks up at him and grins.

"hi Ironhide! I'm okay!" he grins, getting up. he runs around Ironhide and back towards the medbay.

"alright, bye." Ironhide snorts. he shakes his head amused and keeps on his way.

he runs full speed into the medbay.

"Jack!" Reflect shouts, looking around. Ratchets sitting on his work bench, a data pad in his servo.

"Wheeljacks in the lab kiddo, whats up?" Ratchet ask, looking over at him. he runs over to Ratchets work bench, climbing up and holding out his drawing.

"see Bari!" Reflect shouts. Ratchet raises an optic ridge.

"Barricade? no. sorry kiddo. he's a bad guy we don't visit him." Ratchet frowns. "and don't even think about teleporting to him." Ratchet frowns in warning. Reflect waves the drawing in Ratchets face. "thats very nice but the answer is no." Ratchet says firmly.

"see Bari!" Reflect repeats.

"no little one." Ratchet frowns. Reflect huffs, jumping off the bench and storming off. he wants to see Barricade, he'll find someone to take him.

the entire rec room watches him run full speed past the rec room and towards the range.

"Ironhide!!" Reflect shouts. he skids to a stop and turns back to the rec room, walking in. he grins immediately. "Bumblebee." Reflect grins, bouncing over.

"I don't like that." Sam frowns. Bumblebee snorts, crouching down. Reflect grins up at him happily.

"yes little one?" Bumblebee ask.

"need see Bari. Bumblebee take?" Reflect ask. Bumblebee looks confused.

"Bari?" Bumblebee ask. he nods once, waving his drawing at Bumblebee. the scout immediately recognizes Frenzy and Barricade on the drawing. "oh... you, you mean Barricade? you want to go see Barricade? I think not. Ratchet would have my head." Bumblebee says. Reflect frowns at him and huffs, waving the drawing angrily.

"need see Bari!" Reflect grumbles, turning to run.

"wait, wait." Bumblebee says quickly. "I can't take you to see Barricade, but would you like to ride with me when I take Sam to school? you'll have to use your holoform, but you can ride with us." Bumblebee assures.

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