The best memories

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"and Will lost a bet and had to go as Hound. he never quit bitching about how heavy all the armor was." Ironhide snorts.

"what Sam go?" Reflect ask.

"oh I went as Bumblebee. of course." Sam grins. Reflect gives Bumblebee a confused look.

"I was Jazz." Bumblebee smiles. Reflect nods.

"Wills armor was so heavy he kept falling over." Sam grins. Ironhide laughs.

"I spent more time picking him up and putting him on his feet before he started drinking that night, then ever before. once he started drinking he decided it was safer to sit down." Ironhide chuckles. Bumblebee smiles at the bigger mech, glad to hear him happily talking about his dead bonded.

"what about that time at the pier-" Sam starts, breaking into giggles.

"oh the time where he tricked Ironhide into the water?" Bumblebee grins. Ironhide scolds.

"hey! I thought my charge was drowning!" Ironhide huffs.

"Will hid under the dock so Ironhide couldn't see him and he jumped in." Sam laughs.

"and not with his holoform." Bumblebee smirks.

"I thought the sand was never gonna come out." Ironhide grumbles, but theres a smirk one his face.

"oh and Ironhides first Christmas with Will. Will got deployed so they missed Christmas that first year, but the second year when it snowed..." Bumblebee trails.

"I almost had a spark attack watching that idiot climb onto the roof! the ladder broke and he was just hanging there laughing." Ironhide growls.

"he pulled himself up onto the roof only to slip on the ice." Sam laughs a little. he and Bumblebee had been there to celebrate with them, the first Christmas after Sarah left.

"he slid straight off the roof, I don't think I've ever seen Ironhide move that fast!" Bumblebee grins. "refused to put Will down for an hour." Bumblebee grins. Ironhide gives a half smirk.

"I was afraid if I let go he'd get back up there." Ironhide mutters. Bumblebee smiles.

"well, we have to go now, Sam just thought he heard you two talking... he just wanted to join." Bumblebee murmurs.

"its nice to sit down with someone who knew him so well and just share stories sometimes." Sam says, shooting a small smile at Ironhide. the mech nods once.

"yeah it is." Ironhide agrees. Bumblebee smiles and turns, walking off with Sam cuddled to him. Reflect hugs Ironhides chest the best he can, grinning up to the mech.

"Ironhide happy!" Reflect squeals. the bigger mech snorts a little and hugs him gently.

"yeah I am... alright squirt, got a few hour left before you need to get some stasis. what would you like to do with those few hours?" Ironhide ask.

"go beach! want see!" Reflect squeals. Ironhide frowns a little.

"well... alright. but you stay with me okay? don't go wondering off." Ironhide warns.

"okay!" Reflect agrees. Ironhide smiles a little and stands up. "more Will story?" Reflect asks. Ironhide nods a little.

"yeah sure, I'll find some more stories I can tell you." Ironhide assures, carrying him out. he transforms around the sparkling carefully, driving off with the sparkling.

Ironhide's careful taking the sparkling to the beach. the only water the sparkling has ever come into contact with is the water from the wash racks. he doesn't want the sparkling to fall in and risk him getting hurt, or worse, rusty. Ratchet would probably kill him if the sparkling started rusting because he fell in the salty water.

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