Scary story

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"hmm?" Wheeljack ask. the sparkling whines again. "you want creator?" Wheeljack asks softly. Reflect nods a little, whining softly. "yeah? alright, come on, we'll go find him. I bet he's in the medbay." Wheeljack assures, getting up carefully.

"the sparkling wants you."

"give me a few minutes. let me soak this blanket in a cleaning solution, then hop in the washracks, I'm nasty."

"no need. I'm on my way down now, need a go through as well, he dumped his cube down me on accident trying to get away from Ironhide."

"away from Ironhide? Jack does he have a fever? Ironhides his favorite bot on the base and he refused him?"

"he's still pretty shaken from whatever scared him and well, Ironhide tried to touch his head. he didn't like it. now he wants you."

"of course he does. he knows most bots will leave him the frag alone when he's with me. Bumblebee and Ironhide are exceptions to that, but I can make them leave him alone and he knows it."

"just wash up alright? we'll be there in a minute."

he cradles the sparkling gently as he walks towards the medbay, rocking the little sparkling in an attempt to soothe him. it doesn't really seem to help, but the sparkling doesn't object, so he doesn't stop. Reflect whines quietly, cuddling to him.

"yeah I know little one. its alright." Wheeljack assures. he walks into the medbay and sits on a berth, waiting for Ratchet. the medic comes out of the washrack, dry, but still had black steaks down his body. "hey, you didn't get all clean." Wheeljack frowns a little.

"I can't get it off. I'll need a cleaning solvent stronger than whats in there. figured I'd come get the sparkling before you bitched you were getting rusty from the energon." Ratchet frowns, carefully taking Reflect.

"he's got some on him too, but I managed to keep most of it off him." Wheeljack frowns.

"I'll wipe him down with a rag, he'll be fine." Ratchet assures. he nuzzles the little sparkling gently, snuggling him. "you alright little one?" Ratchet ask softly. Reflect whines quietly. "okay, you wanna talk?" Ratchet ask.

"no." Reflect mumbles, cuddling him.

"okay thats alright. where's your Ironhide toy?" Ratchet ask.

"Ironhide room." Reflect mumbles.

"okay, well, where are your other toys?" Ratchet ask. Reflect shrugs a little, hugging his neck. "do you want any of them?" Ratchet ask.

"want all..." Reflect whimpers quietly.

"okay. lets go find them." Ratchet murmurs, carrying the sparkling out.

they stop at Ironhides room first, Ratchet knocking firmly on the door.

"enter." Ironhide calls. the medic opens the door and looks over.

"he wants his toy." Ratchet says. Ironhide points to a shelf, across the room. its lined up directly with his berth and has several of Wills items on it.

his hat and flag, given to Ironhide from the military after Wills death, a shell from an exploded firework, a picture of Will grinning and hanging from one of Bumblebees arm, Sams hanging from the other in the picture, all three are grinning sheepishly. Ironhide had popped inside the base to grab something and come back out to the two humans hanging onto Bumblebee as though he were a jungle gym or something. the three had all immediately been sheepish and grinned at him like children. there's a picture of Will on Ironhides holoforms back, grinning at the person taking the picture. Ironhide is smirking at the ground, stumbling a little like he hadn't expected Will to jump on his back, amused and hanging onto his human tightly so he wouldn't fall. Ratchet remembered taking that particular picture. between a picture of Annabelle grinning, showing off a missing tooth, and a picture of Will with purple hair, is the Ironhide toy. Ratchet gets distracted looking through the memories, but Reflect doesn't. he reaches forward, carefully grabbing the toy.

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