Another vision, no a nightmare

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all he gets is a growl from Ironhide, before the mech stomps over towards the base entrance. Optimus turns his head to watch the mech storm towards the entrance and, since they were standing in front of the base, them as well.

"Ironhide angry. so angry. Reflect not mean make angry." Reflect mumbles.

"you didn't do this little one. don't worry about it Reflect, its okay. sometimes Ironhide just hurts little one. he can't help it." Optimus assures.

"Ironhide okay?" Reflect calls.

"frag off." Ironhide snaps. Reflects shoulders sag and he slowly sinks to the ground, making Optimus crouch with him. the Prime refuses to let go of the sparklings servos, Reflect needs him.

"its okay Reflect. don't worry. its alright." Optimus assures. "come on, back up sparkling. you're supposed to be learning to use your jets little one." Optimus murmurs. Reflect lands and watches Ironhide go.

"Reflect want Wheeljack." he mumbles. Optimus sighs and scoops him up.

"okay, come on little one, I'll take you to Wheeljack and Ratchet." Optimus murmurs.

"really? run me off the fucking range and then head inside?" Ironhide snaps, rolling his optics at the Prime.

"Ironhide, knock it off. you've already upset Reflect." Optimus snaps. "we're going inside because he is afraid of you." Optimus frowns, carrying Reflect off to the medbay. Reflect buries his face into the Primes shoulder, refusing to look at Ironhide, sniffling.

Optimus carries him to the medbay, pushing the door open carefully.

"Prime? what are you doing? get him out of here. he doesn't need to see this." Ratchet frowns. he's holding one of Wheeljacks arms in his servos. Wheeljack looks sheepish, waving what was still connected to his shoulder, at the Prime. Optimus raises an optic ridge, looking at Wheeljack, before looking at Ratchet. the Prime looks as unamused as the medic does.

"I didn't realize he was missing an arm." Optimus frowns. he shifts the sparkling towards Ratchet a little. "Ironhide made him cry." Optimus adds. Ratchet frowns.

"want Wheeljack." Reflect mumbles.

"that stupid slag for CPU weapon specialist is more like a fragging idiot specialist. fragging slagger, only thing he does right is be an ass." Ratchet scoffs. he sighs a little and looks over at Reflect. "Reflect, I love you but I can't hold you, please stay with Optimus." Ratchet murmurs. the sparkling whines, but doesn't argue, curling up in the Primes arm.

"but Reflect want Wheeljack." he mumbles.

"I know squirt, but I'm working on him. he can't hold you either." Ratchet murmurs. Reflect whimpers.

"look at this sparkling." Wheeljack says taken his dismembered arm in servo. he shakes it at the sparkling. "I can't even hold myself right now. sure can't hold you." he grins. Reflect pulls back immediately, staring at the inventor with optics as wide as saucers. Ratchet snatches his arm back, whacking Wheeljack hard in the back of the head with his wrench.

"knock that shit off! you're scaring him!" Ratchet snaps. Optimus takes a step back, frowning.

"we'll we can see you're busy." Optimus mutters a little. "come on little one. I think Bumblebee is in the rec room with Sam, they should be here today." Optimus says. immediately Reflects squirming.

"let go! let go! Bumblebee!!" Reflect shouts. the Prime chuckles and lets him go. Reflect immediately transforms and speeds out of the room straight towards the rec room.

"watch out scout, incoming."

"thanks for the warning Ratch."

Bumblebee and Sam are just walking into the base when he gets there. the sparklings doesn't even skid to a stop, just transforms, grinning.

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