Missing blanket

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the sparkling runs out of the medbay and straight into another bots leg.

"oh slag, sorry little one." Hot Rod frowns, bending down to pick him up. Reflect looks up, from where he's now on the floor, and screams. he grabs his items and scrambles up, running off.

"NO TOUCH REFLECT!!!! STANGER DANGER!" Reflect screams. Hot Rod watches after him, confused as hell. "STANGER DANGER!!" Reflect screams. "NO TOUCH REFLECT!" he screams.

"what in the hell?" Epps frowns, watching the sparkling run past, bright blue blanket fluttering behind him. "something is wrong with that sparkling." Epps mutters.

Reflect screams, running into Ironhides room. the mech surely heard him coming as the door opens immediately for him, slamming shut behind him. he stops and looks up at Ironhide. Ironhide, sitting on his berth cleaning his canons, looks at him with a raised optic ridge.

"what do you want? could've heard you screamin' on Cybertron squirt, whats got you all riled?" Ironhide ask. Reflect drops his blanket to hold up his toy.

"Ironhide!" Reflect squeals, waving it around by its arm. Ironhide raises an optic ridge, amused.

"I see. its back." Ironhide snorts. "whats that behind you?" Ironhide ask.

"daddy Jack make blanket!" Reflect squeals, reaching behind him with one servo to grab his blanket and hold it up for Ironhide to see. "soft! keep Reflect warm!" Reflect squeals, wrapping the blanket around himself again.

"good. I'm glad you're warm." Ironhide chuckles softly.

"hold me?" Reflect pouts up at the mech.

"okay, but be good and sit still. I'm cleaning my canons. don't touch any of the cleaning stuff alright?" Ironhide ask.

"okay." Reflect nods, walking closer happily. Ironhide snorts and picks him up, settling the sparkling in his lap.

Reflect sits quietly in Ironhides lap, snuggling into his blanket. he's cuddling his Ironhide toy, fingers in his mouth, blanket pulled around him tightly. the silence only lasts thirty minutes, but thats longer than Ironhide honestly expected it would last. the sparkling, like Will, could never stay too silent for too long.

"Ironhide?" Reflect ask.

"yes little one?" Ironhide asks, glancing over from his canon.

"Will story?" Reflect asks.

"sure what kind?" Ironhide ask.

"funny." Reflect says.

"a funny story? hmmm..." Ironhide thinks a moment. "how about I tell you about the time... no that doesn't end appropriately." Ironhide frowns. the particular story he'd been thinking about had ended with a knife in Wills hand when the man was horsing around with it. it had also ended with Ironhide rushing him to the hospital, then later bleaching blood from his floorboards. "hmmm, I think I'm running out of stories sparkling, which should be impossible, but not a lot of our stories are sparkling safe to hear." Ironhide frowns.

"no story?" Reflect pouts.

"no I'll come up with a story, just give me a few minutes to think." Ironhide frowns. "oh! how about the time Will and Epps fell out of my alt mode?" Ironhide ask.

"huh?" Reflect asks.

"okay so we were practicing, thats alot of what human soldiers do, practice and train. well, I was... feeling a little goofy. I was tired and angry, and ready to be done training. well, there's a bunch of soldiers in the bed of my alt, hunkered down trying to remain 'hidden'." Ironhide snorts. "well then Epps made a comment about me slowing down. I'm an old mech. give me a break i was tired. well I decided to make Epps eat his words, a figure of speech humans use that means to make someone regret their words. I took off at a higher speed than I should have and we hit a bump. there was a kid leaning against my tailgate and I wasn't paying attention. I was angry. he pulled the latch and the frigging tailgate went down. when I hit the next bump all the soldiers went flying out. all seven of them." Ironhide snorts. he'd immediately driven off, tired and annoyed, and he could still hear Will, and the other soldiers, cursing him at the top of their lungs and running after him. "I woke up pink the next morning. almost killed all of them." Ironhide grumbles. Reflect giggles.

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