Drawing the enemy

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"is he okay?" Ratchet frowns, walking over to his bonded worriedly.

"I think so, not a scratch on him. he's just really tired. he's exhausted." Wheeljack frowns. Ratchet nods and takes him back gently. the sparkling doesn't even seem to care, too busy trying to get comfortable to settle in for a nap. he's too tired to care, letting the medic rub his back gently. Wheeljack leans over, rubbing the little sparklings cheek. "what the hell was that his optics and servos did?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet shrugs. he passes the sparkling back over to Wheeljack so he can walk back over to Sam and take a look at him.

"no idea, but he literally stopped Sideswipe in his tracks with it." Ratchet frowns. the sparklings already snoring in Wheeljacks arms, curled up happily.

when the sparkling wakes back up he's in the medbay, laying on a berth. Ratchet and Wheeljack are standing over him like they've been watch him the whole time. the sparkling looks up confused. of course he himself can't see it, but there's a new Cybertronian mark on his forehead that has them confused. the medic and inventor look a little relieved, watching him stretch and sit up slowly.

"Ratchet? Jack?" he asks confused.

"you okay squirt? you've been out for almost 24 hours." Ratchet frowns.

"okay." the sparkling murmurs, stretching happily. Wheeljack smiles and scoops him up gently.

"hey Reflect, I'm glad you're awake, ready for a cube? lets head to the rec room." Wheeljack murmurs, cuddling him. the sparkling chirps happily and lets Wheeljack carry him.

"you two go on." Ratchet says. Wheeljack frowns.

"not coming with?" Wheeljack asks.

"not right now. I have some paperwork frown all this I need to do, plus I want to look up that new symbol of his. I want to know what it means." Ratchet said. Wheeljack nods.

"alright..." Wheeljack murmurs, heading for the rec room. he cuddles Reflect gently. "you saved Sams life sparkling. he's appreciative." Wheeljack smiles. the sparkling looks up at him with a smile, but he's thinking silently. he knows exactly what the new mark on his face meant, the past Primes had told him. it was the mark of a Prime. he'd earned it saving Sams life, though that hadn't been his intention when he saved Sam, he just hadn't wanted the teen dead. "you alright sparkling?" Wheeljack ask. Reflect nods and stretches.

"okay." Reflect assures. Wheeljack smiles and grabs him a cube, sitting with the sparkling. Reflect relaxes and cuddles into Wheeljacks lap happily drinking his cube.

"hey! Jack! Reflect!" Sam shouts, running over. there's a bright red cast on the arm he'd put under the sparkling earlier. the sparkling tenses watching him run towards them.

"hey, take it easy Sam. don't run at him like that." Wheeljack frowns. Sam immediately stops and proceeds walking closer.

"right, sorry." Sam frowns a little. he walks over quickly. "hey is he okay?" Sam ask. Bumblebee heads over to them silently, holding something in his servos.

"yeah, he's fine. you didn't have to put your arm under him like that Sam, a dent is far easier for Ratchet to bang out than a broken arm." Wheeljack frowns. Sam looks down at his arm before shrugging with a smile.

"eh, oh well. I didn't really think, I just did it, y'know?" Sam ask. "he saved my life Wheeljack. he literally saved my life... I wasn't going to let him hit his head. he's just a baby to you guys." Sam adds.

"toddler." Wheeljack corrects.

"okay toddler, he's still just a little kid to you guys and he actually saved my life. I didn't want him to get hurt." Sam murmurs.

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