The Beginning Of Freedom

Start from the beginning

But Aizen had been anything but a quitter, and had devoted his life to recreating the Hōgyoku on Remnant. Instead of breaking down the walls of Hollow and Soul Reaper, he had sought to remove the barrier between Huntsmen and Grimm. But alas, he had been inflicted with a deadly disease, and been removed from this realm too soon to complete it. Weiss could still remember watching him die, the usual stoic man unusually warm in his final days.

Her grandfather had always been calm and calculating, a true genius on all fronts. But he had still been a grandfather all the same, and a good one in Weiss' opinion. He always had knowledge to share, things to say, ideas to spout. He was always willing to help her, even if only by giving the most rational solution.

He had loved her, she just knew it.


It was on the day of his death that he had given her a key and a small sticky note with a list of written instructions, asking her to please venture to his basement office whenever she felt ready. She hadn't known what he meant back then, but when she had eventually stumbled upon the run down office...she had understood what he meant.

She absentmindedly brought a hand to her chest, stroking the small orb beneath the fabric. It resonated deep within her soul, brimming with untapped potential. She could feel it whispering into her mind, a heavenly voice that brought with it a great euphoria. Its power caressed her, bringing with it a great warmth that soothed her nerves.

It was true that she was indeed a bit nervous, this would be her first time out of Atlas. Well, that wasn't entirely true, she had been forced to sneak out of the manor and floating city a few times, all in order to gather the materials for the Hōgyoku. But this would be her first time really free.

The orb shimmered at its master's thoughts, a strange sensation that made Weiss smile. Her heart beat in tandem with the orb's pulses, like they were one and the same. But to Weiss, they might as well be. She was the Hōgyoku, and it was she, and it was becoming harder and harder to differentiate between the two.

The prospect of becoming one with such an existence sent both shivers and tingles down her spine. On the one hand, the Hōgyoku held unlimited power inside its glowing depths. A fusion of one thousand souls, half human and half faunus, along with the ashes of one hundred thousand kilograms of grimm, all slain by either her grandfather or her own hands. Even further was the dust, a kilogram of each variety. But not just any old dust would do, only the purest dust imaginable for her magnum opus. With these powers combined, the Hōgyoku was what she had dubbed a sentient miracle, for it held the ability to bring to reality the user's deepest desires.

But on the other hand...

The sins she had committed to attain such a power....were innumerable. When she had first ventured into her grandfather's office and eventually his laboratory, only three tenths of the human and faunus souls had been collected. The other two materials, grimm residue and pure dust, were easy enough to get a hold of. As the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, it had only taken a request to her father, to visit the largest dust mine for "studying purposes". As for the grimm, it had merely been tedious, for every night she was able, she would sneak down to the forests of Mantle below and kill as many as she could, collecting their remains in vials and bringing them back with her. It had been both difficult and enlightening, and at the end of her journey, the slaughter of Grimm had been nothing more than a cake-walk.

But the souls...

Weiss had spent two years desperately searching for a substitute, anything to satiate the Hōgyoku's desire for life. She had tried everything, more dust, more grimm, blood, tears...nothing worked. The breakdown sphere had rejected them all. It had led to a wall of morality to trump her ambition...

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