"A couple of months?... man I can not spend a couple of months without Charisma.. I don't know how to get her to see that I love her...

"Time, without you fucking up... she's got her own team.. let her run shit, let her be free for a while.. and I guarantee that you will end up back together again..." Wesley said to him.

Keegan nodded. "I've got word that my new found half brother is heading here in the next 24 hours... I'll deal with him, and then I'm heading back to LA to carry on business back there... and I'll give her space..." he said sounding defeated.


Storm handed Lena a cup of coffee. "You okay mom?.."

"I don't know Storm.. I hate that I went wrong with all of you.. I always believed I was going to be a great mother... but the truth is I was already broken... I wasn't ready to be a mom, a sister or a wife..." she shook her head.

"You already had so much to deal with

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"You already had so much to deal with.. mom, you were beaten and abused as a small child all the way up until you were a teenager... You didn't speak, you were mute because of the way your stepfather treated you... He went to bed with you every night, before your age even reached double figures... You have done the best that you can, I love you, and I love that you're still here and you're still going... you're still trying and yes... you do get it wrong a lot of the time, but I can see that you are clawing at a way to make things right for everyone all the time..."

"I've lost, Lily, Dream, Enzo, Jase... I ruined you, Skye..." she paused. "Phoenix is all for the Frasers.. and Charm is away all the time.. as far away as she can get...." She sighed. "Brooklyn, Skye, you and the twins are all I have left, from a family that I lost control of.... Or never even really had control of... I wish that I could go back and do it all over again and I would do it all so, so differently...."

"That is still 5 of us... and Jase.. he's just doing Jase right now..." she paused. "I think the first thing that you need to do, is put things right with charisma... I Think that relationship is calling you more than anything because I know you want it, but you just don't know the right way to go about it... She doesn't need you to control her, she's not one of your kids... you need to talk to her on a level.. you would be surprised how much the two of you are alike.."


".... So they're already at the house...

Kieron nodded. "My dad, Charisma and Wesley...

"well, I guess this is going to be like taking candy from a baby." Aiden smirked. He and Kieron had already left the jet and was making their way towards the house in Nicaragua. Making plans along the way to make sure that they had enough soldiers on the ground when they got there.

"How does it feel to be meeting yo daddy for the first time Kieron..."

Kieron smiled. "I'm doing it for the memory of my mom.. who could never let him know about me because he would have had me killed like he did Lewis... and like he ended my sister... I can't wait to confront him....


Angel walked into the house and put the keys on the side.
"Daddyyyy..." Valentina ran up to him. "Look who is here... come and see daddy.." she said pulling him by his hand through to the lounge.

Angel stopped when he saw Gina. "What are you doing here Gina.. I told you when you got home to stay there?.."

"I wanted to come and see you

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"I wanted to come and see you." She sighed. "I hate being at odds with you dad... we had such a strong bond when I was growing up... I don't want to lose that with you.."

"You have a baby with Aiden Reynolds...

"And you have a babies with Venice, who is not much older than me"

"What do you want from me Gina.?."

"I want you to forgive me, I want us to be back to how we were... Please... I'm sorry..."

He left her where she was and walked down to the kitchen where Venice was finishing dinner. He stood in the doorway and looked after. "Why didn't you call me and let me know that she was here?."

"She's your daughter, maybe you need to give her the benefit of the doubt and actually talk to her..." she said.

"I had a visit from Lani today... you wanna go on this girls weekend, go.. don't make me out to be a controlling, abuser or some shit..." he said to her.

"I didn't say anything to her, I just didn't think that it was a very good time. At the moment I know how busy you are..."

He walked up to her. "Because if you really feel scared of me .. and like I control you like yo father does to yo mama... then you need to go.." he told her and turned, walking away from her.
Venice just stared after him....

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