Chapter 47: Uh Oh

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As I sat at home with Mik, a sense of unease settled deep in my stomach. The familiar ache of cramps had set in, but something felt off. My period was a few days late, which was unusual, but I tried to brush it off as my body still adjusting to my new anatomy. Yet, as the days passed, my fatigue and nausea only grew worse.
I turned to the internet, desperate for answers. As I scrolled through articles and forums, my heart raced with fear. Could I be pregnant? The thought made me shudder. I rushed to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test, my hands shaking with anxiety as I nervously waited for the results.
When I saw the two pink lines appear, confirming my suspicions, my mind went blank. I was pregnant. Panic set in as I tried to come to terms with what this meant. As Olive, I had finally found acceptance and made new friends, but this pregnancy meant that I couldn't go back to being a boy.
Telling Wyatt seemed impossible. We had been reckless, and now there was no going back. I felt lost and alone, unsure of what the future held for me and this unborn child. The fear of judgement and rejection from those around me weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Days turned into weeks, and my pregnancy progressed steadily. As my belly grew, I struggled to hide my secret from Wyatt, Mik, and Flynn. I knew I had to tell them eventually, but the fear of their reaction was paralyzing. But fate had other plans.
One evening, as we sat down for dinner, Mik couldn't stop talking about her friend's baby shower. "You know, Olive, I can't wait for you to have a baby. We would have the best baby shower ever!" She gushed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
Flynn nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, and I can teach the kid all my magic tricks. It would be so cool to have a little apprentice."
Wyatt was silent, his face unreadable. I could feel the tension between us and knew that I had to speak up. "Guys, I have something to tell you," I said, taking a deep breath.
"What is it?" Mik asked, her eyes searching mine.
"I'm pregnant," I said, barely above a whisper.
There was a stunned silence around the table as they all looked at me with surprise, but then, to my surprise, they all broke out in huge grins.
Mik jumped up from her seat and enveloped me in a tight hug, "I'm so happy for you!" Flynn started clapping and congratulating us, while Wyatt held my hand tightly and whispered, "I know we haven't been together for long, but I want to be there for you and our child."
Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised that I didn't have to face this alone. They were all there for me, and together, we would make it work.

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