Chapter 12: How to be Popular 101

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The next day, I met up with Michaela at our favourite cafe. As we sipped on our coffees, she suggested that we take some pictures and record some videos of me in different outfits, now that I had a larger audience on social media.

"Let's make the most of your new followers! We can take enough pictures and videos to last you for another month," she said, with a smile.

I was grateful for her suggestion and excited to see what kind of content we could create. We spent the day shopping for outfits, trying on different clothes, and taking pictures in different locations around the city.

As we snapped away, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Michaela's friendship. She had been my rock throughout my journey, supporting me every step of the way and pushing me to be my best self.

We laughed, joked, and had a lot of fun that day, creating content that would help me continue to grow my audience and connect with even more people.

As the day came to an end, I looked back on all that we had accomplished, feeling grateful for the experience and the memories we had created together. Me and Michaela grew even closer that day.

Walking home hand in hand in the cool evening breeze, Michaela and I enjoyed each other's company even more. Suddenly, we ran into Randall.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, as I introduced him to Michaela.

"Nice to meet you," Michaela replied with a smile.

As we chatted for a few minutes, Randall couldn't resist trying to hit on me once again.

"So, you free this weekend?" he asked, winking at me.

I politely declined. "Sorry, Randall, I'm busy. But it's great to see you again."

Michaela nudged me playfully and whispered. "Aww, come on, you know you have a crush on him."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "No way. We're just friends."

Randall smiled, taking the hint gracefully. "Well, it was good seeing you both. Have a nice night."

I got back home and went to sleep since today was eventful and really tiring.

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