Chapter 19: Long Drive

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Mik was in the front seat, her camera in hand, capturing moments as we drove through the scenic countryside. She looked over and smiled at me, "You know I have to document everything, Olive."

I chuckled, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Mik."

Noah was sitting on the couch in the back of the RV, playing with his toys. He looked up at me and smiled, "Want to play with me, Olive?"

"Of course, Noah!" I said as I joined him on the couch.

As we played, I caught Jake staring at my ass a few times, and it made me feel uneasy. But I tried to ignore it and just enjoy the road trip.

As the sun started to set, Mrs. Williams announced that she was going to prepare some hamburgers for dinner. We parked the RV and set up a table outside.

Noah had fallen asleep on my lap, and Mr. Williams noticed, "Noah isn't usually comfortable with others, you must be special," he joked.

I smiled, "I guess so."

We all enjoyed dinner and talked about our plans for the next few days. After dinner, we cleaned up and got ready for bed.

After dinner, we all settled into our sleeping arrangements for the night. As we lay there, Jake, Mik's older brother, struck up a conversation with me. "So, what brings you here with us?" he asked.

"Just wanted to experience a new place and spend time with Mik's family," I replied.

Jake nodded, but I noticed him glancing at me a few times, especially when I got up to grab something from my bag. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I brushed it off as my imagination. Eventually, we all fell asleep, exhausted from the day's journey.

The next day, we woke up early and prepared to hit the road again. We were scheduled to arrive at our destination by 7 pm, so we had a long drive ahead of us. Mrs. Williams and I chatted as we drove, and she asked me about my family.

"My parents live in Italy," I told her. "They're there to promote their business."

Mrs. Williams was polite and cool, and she asked if I was dating anyone at the moment. I replied in the negative.

As we drove, I decided to go live on Instagram. Mik and I entertained my fanbase for around 40 minutes, talking about our journey and showing them the sights. It was great to connect with my followers, and I loved how supportive they were.

"So, Mik," I said, turning to her. "What do you think of this road trip so far?"

"It's been pretty fun," Mik replied. "I can't believe we're actually doing this. The sights are beautiful."

We ended the stream.

I asked Mik. "Did you see the picture he drew of me?"

"No, I haven't," Mik said. "Let me see."

I showed Mik the picture that Noah had drawn. It was a stick figure with a big smile, holding hands with a slightly larger stick figure.

"Aww, that's so sweet," Mik said.

I nodded in agreement. "He's adorable."

Jake was car sick so he was asleep for most of the trip.

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