Chapter 21: A day on the Ranch

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The next day, I woke up early and decided to take a refreshing bath. I changed into a white tie knot crop top and short jeans, paired with black knee-high boots. As I stepped out of my room, Jake noticed my outfit and complemented me, saying that I looked cute. I nodded shyly and thanked him uncomfortably.

Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Rogers took us girls out to tour the place. We started our day by doing some farm work and horse riding. As we rode the horses, I could feel the wind blowing through my hair and the sun warming my face. It was an exhilarating feeling.

After the horse riding, we went to some local stores to try on different clothes. The outfits were unique and different from what I was used to back in the city. I tried on a few dresses and skirts, which made me feel more like a country girl. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, feeling content.

As we walked back to the car, Mrs. Williams asked if we wanted to go golfing with the boys. I declined, as I had never played golf before and did not want to embarrass myself. Instead, I stayed back with little Noah and watched as the boys played.

When we got back home in the evening, Jen and Jess had grown fond of me. We talked about our day and shared our experiences.

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