Chapter 40: Christmas Season

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It was the first week of December and our apartment was in desperate need of some festive cheer. Wyatt and Flynn had offered to pick up a Christmas tree from the local store, while Mik and I started to decorate the apartment with ornaments and tinsel.

As we hung the lights on the tree, Mik brought up the topic of Christmas plans. "I was thinking we could have a Christmas party," she said.

I let out a groan. "We just had a Halloween party, and I don't think I can handle planning another one so soon."

Mik sighed. "Yeah, you're right. What about a Christmas dinner instead?"

I perked up at the idea. "That sounds like a great idea! We could cook on Christmas Eve and stay up until midnight."

Mik was hesitant. "I don't know how to cook, though."

"Don't worry, we'll help you," I reassured her.

Just then, Wyatt and Flynn walked in with the Christmas tree. We showed them our progress on the decorations and discussed our Christmas plans.

"We should go on a trip for Christmas," Mik suggested.

Flynn nodded in agreement. "That's a great idea! Where should we go?"

Wyatt chimed in, "What about Aspen? We could go skiing."

I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of skiing, but I didn't want to be a party pooper. "Sounds good to me."

After finishing lunch, we all went to work, and it was a late shift for us. This time, I got to drive Mik to the airport in my brand new Audi TT convertible.

After work, we all gathered in the living room and continued to discuss our plans for the Christmas break. Mik was hesitant about the idea of going to Aspen, and I couldn't help but agree. "I don't know, Aspen just doesn't seem like our kind of place," she said.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that it wasn't just me who wasn't feeling the Aspen idea. We all laughed and started brainstorming other destinations. We decided to put a pin on it for now and revisit it later.

As we were discussing the dinner plans, Wyatt mentioned that he had invited his boss over for dinner next week, and he had no idea how to cook. I offered to help, telling him that I had learned how to cook from my mom and sister Emma, and considered myself a jack of all trades.

I went into the kitchen and prepared a few dishes, including my specialty spaghetti and meatballs. Wyatt, Flynn, and Mik tasted each dish one by one. "This spaghetti and meatballs is amazing!" exclaimed Wyatt. "I think we have a winner for my boss's dinner."

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