Chapter 11: Hi Fame!

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Excited about the possibilities of my newfound social media fame, I decided to take things to the next level and promote my Twitch account. I had always loved gaming and had recently started streaming, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to expand my audience and connect with more people.

That night, I decided to stream on Twitch, playing one of my favourite games. I was nervous at first, but as more and more people joined the stream, my confidence grew. People were commenting, asking questions, and engaging with me in a way that I had never experienced before.

As the night went on, I gained more and more followers, with people from all over the world tuning in to watch me play. It was an incredible feeling to have so many people interested in what I was doing and to be able to connect with them in real-time.

After the stream ended, I checked my follower count and was blown away by the number of new followers I had gained. It was an incredible feeling to know that people enjoyed my content and wanted to see more of it.

After the stream, I felt utterly exhausted. My eyes were heavy, and my body was sore from sitting in front of the computer for hours. I could barely stand up straight as I walked back into Emma's room, trying to find something comfortable to wear for the night.

As I rummaged through her closet, my eyes landed on a pink satin nightdress that caught my attention. It was the perfect length, not too long nor too short, and the fabric felt smooth against my skin. I knew right away that it was what I wanted to wear.

I took a shower to wash off the sweat and makeup from the stream, feeling the warm water soothing my aching muscles. I then got dressed and applied some light makeup, just enough to enhance my features without feeling like I was wearing too much.

Once I was done, I went back to bed, feeling the cool sheets against my skin as I snuggled in. Before I could drift off to sleep, I picked up my phone to check my notifications. I was surprised to see that Randall had sent me a snap.

I opened the app and started messaging him. We talked for a while, exchanging stories about our day, and laughing at silly jokes. As the conversation died down, we both decided it was time to go to bed.

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