Chapter 26: Wyatt + Olive

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One morning, Mik and I were getting ready to leave for work when she suddenly brought up our new neighbours. "I think I have a crush on Flynn," she said with a dreamy sigh. "I'm thinking of asking him out tomorrow."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her eagerness. "Isn't that a bit too hasty?" I asked. "And didn't your dad say no boys until you're 21?"

Mik brushed off my concerns with a wave of her hand. "It's all okay if we keep it lowkey," she said with a mischievous smile.

We were just about to leave when Mik stopped and knocked on our neighbours' door. I was surprised and a bit confused, but Mik just whispered, "Just chill, it's gonna be okay."

Wyatt opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw us. "Hey there, ladies," he said with a grin. "Where are you two beautiful girls headed?"

Mik and I exchanged a quick glance, then replied in unison, "We're headed to work."

Wyatt chuckled. "Ah, the daily grind. I hear you," he said, leaning against the doorframe. "Unfortunately, Flynn's already left for work too. He won't be back until later tonight."

Mik's face fell slightly at the news, but I barely registered it. All I could think about was how close I was standing to Wyatt, how his eyes were locked onto mine. It was as if the rest of the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of us standing there.

I had been trying so hard to keep my feelings hidden, to stay true to my original plan of just being Olive, but in that moment, I didn't care anymore. I walked up to Wyatt, knowing he also shared feelings for me, and I kissed him. He kissed me back with a fierce intensity that left me breathless.

Mik was honestly shocked, not expecting me to be so bold and confident. We kissed for what felt like hours, lost in our own little world. But as I checked my watch, I realised I had to go to work.

I gave Wyatt a quick goodbye kiss, feeling flustered and elated all at once. As I walked back to the car with Mik, she asked me, "Well, what was that?" Giggling uncontrollably, I replied, "You only live once."

But as we drove to work, I couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of doubt. What had I done? The only reason I had become Olive was to get closer to Mik, to explore my own feelings for her. But now, I had completely lost the plot.

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