Identities almost revealed, cover blown

Start from the beginning

"I will tell you, as well as something really important for everyone present here. But first tell everyone to keep quiet." She said. Pyros exchanged confused looks with Tefra, but slowly they turned to the crowd. They raised hands in the air and fire came out, which floated up high and started swirling, making and taking strange shapes, until the flames formed a sentence:

Todos por favor fiquem quietos

One by one, the monsters saw the fire letters and started telling everyone else to stop talking. In less than 10 seconds, dead silence had filled the plaza.

"Hm. I'm not a fun of fire. But impressive." The figure commented.

"Now, will you-?" Raymond was about to speak.

"Yes I will, but shut up." The masked woman interrupted him and the human was ready to say something else, offended. But he sucked it up and crossed his arms angered. The figure turned and looked at everyone around.

"I don't like where this is going." Alter murmured and Geno barely heard him.

"Monsters of Olissipo! Humans..." The woman started. "My name is Calisia and I'm coming from the generation of the mermaids." Whispers immediately took over everyone, as for the mermaid guards, they started hissing louder. Geno froze hearing that name.

"No. Way." He thought.

"Oh great, another one of you." Raymond murmured rolling his eyes. Calisia ignored him.

"You're not welcomed Calisia. Nor you, nor any of your Queen's followers. Swim back where you emerged from." One of the mermaids hissed at her.

"To your information, I'll take my leave soon Nagoona. Only if I say what I want to say though." Calisia replied calmly.

Chosen falls for a pirate. An Afterdeath fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now