Chapter 20

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It's been 12 hours

12 long hours of waiting

I'm sitting in the most uncomfortable chair I've ever sat in

It's only good purpose is making it impossible to fall asleep

I looked up, my eyes focused on the sight before me

'room 219'

Gia's in there

And I'm here, outside, unable to do anything but sit and wait

I hate this, I absolutely hate it

I looked down at my wrist

My fingers were gently rubbing the bracelet on my wrist, the one that Gia gave me

A memory from when she gifted it to me flashed before my eyes

you're supposed to be a lucky charm, so please help me out a little here

"honey, you should at least eat something" I heard a familiar voice say in a kind tone

I turned my head to the side

Gia's mom was looking at me with worry

I called her parents the moment I stepped foot in this hospital

They came down here right away

I can't imagine what they're going through right now, all because of me

I put on a fake smile

"I'm not really hungry" I said

she gave me a nod and sat down beside me

I watched how numerous doctors walked by, not one stopping by us and telling us what's going on

I talked to one of the nurses earlier and she told me that there has been an accident on the highway last night

so they had dozens of victims from the crash coming in

most of them were in need of immediate surgeries so situations like Gia's weren't really their priority at the moment

I let out a sigh

I got up and walked over to the window that was next to the doors of Gia's room

she was laying in the hospital bed, still unconscious. I shifted my eyes to the machine on her left

The heart monitor was going now up now down, she was thankfully stable

my heart still hurts when I see her like this

and it bothers me even more not knowing if she's going to be okay

fuck, I need to talk to someone or I'm gonna go crazy

I turned around, ready to find a doctor but to my suprise, one was already standing before me

"are you Gia Holland's relatives?" he asked

"yes, do you have any informations about her state?" her dad spoke up

"I do, first I'd like to apologise for taking so long but as you can see we had a lot of patiences to treat"

"so how is she?" I asked hurriedly

he turned to me then to Gia's parents

"she had what I would call a 'light head trauma'. Now head traumas can sometimes be severely dangerous, however she got lucky.

Ice, Love and Everything in between Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora