Chapter 15

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The weather is so nice today that I decided to eat my lunch outside

I'm currently sitting on a bench near my campus, eating my sandwich and drinking sprite

I still have about 30 minutes left until my next class so I'm taking it slow

Kate has a class right now so we won't be able to eat together like usual

I feel like I barely see her lately

I've been thinking about this for a while now but I think we should take a day off go on a girls trip. She'd love that

I'll bring it up with her the next time we'll have time to sit down and talk

I suddenly heard the sound of a new notification on my phone

I took it out of my pocket and checked to see who it was

HOCKEY MORON: "hey Gia, I have training with my team right before our practice so can you just come straight to the ice rink after school?"

I put down my sandwich and texted him back

ME: "yeah no problem"

he replied after a few seconds

HOCKEY MORON: "okay, see you soon :)"

I was just looking at the message he sent for a minute

I had a talk with myself this morning and I came down to a conclusion that as much as I tried to avoid it, I realised that I started to develop some feelings towards him

My body wouldn't react that way when I'm around him if I didn't feel anything for him. Is just like he said

I also promised him that I would consider everything he said that time at the ice rink

I think it's fair for both of us that I give him an honest answer. When exactly will this happen? I don't have an answer to that yet

But I know for sure that my stereotype of all hockey players being fuckboys is slowly starting to fade

ughhh, I need professional opinion on all this

tomorrow I'm going to tell all that to Kate. I know that she always jokes around and tries to pair me up with someone

but the moment she sees that I actually need an honest opinion she will give me nothing less but that

"all alone?" someone asked, bringing me back from my thoughts

I looked up and saw a pair of blue eyes staring at me

Alex was standing before me, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes

"I'm just heaving a quick lunch before my next class"

"mind if I join you?"

I quickly looked at the time on my phone. I still have some time left so I could use a little company

Ice, Love and Everything in between Where stories live. Discover now