chapter 4 part 2

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"W-why are you guys h-here?" Lianna was struggling to speak, still bonded with Akihiko.

"To take you back where you belong," Renji answered first. Kempachi finally came back, zanpakutō over his shoulder.

"Didn't take too long, did I?" He was smiling, showing he had fun. From behind him, Akihiko limped towards him, blood dripping.

"You think I'm finished?! This was just a distraction!" He chuckled, disappearing. The real Akihiko appeared on Lianna's back, taking full control of Lianna again. She roared, and Akihiko commanded her to roast the soul reaper group in front of her. For some reason, she refused. Lianna began flying away, Akihiko tried to pull her back, but she refused. 

Lianna flew directly to the soul society, where fighting was again happening, but not only in a little part, the whole area had fire. Lianna landed, a hiss came from her mouth. She blasted fire, destroying anything the fire hit.

She walked around, but she strangely only killed one or two soul reapers. Her own mind was stopping Akihiko from making her kill anyone. Her tail made burning buildings come crashing down, and she walked around blasting fire under Akihiko's command.

The group that the head captain had sent out returned as well, devastated by the damage done. They saw Lianna in the distance, but went into the fray to start fighting the intruders. Lianna suddenly started standing on her hind legs, wings spread, while she roared and screeched loudly. Ichigo and Toshiro appeared, getting ready to fight off Akihiko. The dragon landed on the ground, baring her teeth and shaking her head wildly. Akihiko was shaken off, and Kempachi quickly took him away again. This time he took the real one. Ichigo and Toshiro hopped onto Lianna, doing their best to calm her.

"Lianna! Focus! Look at us!" Toshiro shouted as Lianna turned her head to look at the two on her back. Her eyes were visibly filled with rage and sadness. Toshiro closed his eyes, focusing. Lianna huffed, almost blowing them off. She closed her eyes as well, the red scales melded away into blue ones, her eyes turned blue. Her body shrunk a bit, becoming more compact then the red dragon.

 Her body shrunk a bit, becoming more compact then the red dragon

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When Toshiro and Lianna opened their eyes, they were bonded. Lianna was no longer controlled by Akihiko. Kampachi came walking back, sword over his shoulder, dragging Akihiko's body. It was done, he was dead. But fire still burned and battles were being fought all over the soul society.

"Let's fix this, Lianna?" Toshiro sat on Lianna, getting ready to fly.

"Yes," She flew over the soul society, blasting blue fire that was harmless to her allies, the fire turned to ice in the parts that had fire, putting it out.

"Yes," She flew over the soul society, blasting blue fire that was harmless to her allies, the fire turned to ice in the parts that had fire, putting it out

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When all the intruders were gone, and the soul reapers who were injured were healed, Lianna landed on sōkyoku hill. She didn't want to be around anyone, because of what she had done. Toshiro stayed on her back, calming her. All of the captains and lieutenants stood in front of them, including Ichigo. Lianna stepped forward, lowering her head to the Head Captain. He put a hand on her snout, and Lianna let him.

"I am sorry....I never meant for this to happen..." Lianna broad-casted to all the captain's and lieutenants minds. They all nodded.

"You are one of us, Lianna. We could never try to get rid of you," Soi Fon stepped up, saying something she wouldn't normally say.

"Alright," Lianna seemed to smile in her dragon form.

To be continued....

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