Chapter 9 part 3

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"Hey guys," Lianna wobbled around, trying to regain her balance. She wasn't used to being a soul reaper as she had been a dragon for so long.

Toshiro held out his hand, smiling. Lianna took it and they shook hands.

"Welcome back to the Soul Society," Byakuya spoke before Toshiro could.

"Thank you all, once again!" Lianna smiled to all of them, she was happy they were still there for her. Rukia ran up and hugged her for a good 5 minutes, then pulled away.

"Sorry, but you've been a dragon for so long that I haven't been able to do that!" Rukia wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes. The Head Captain stood there, watching.

"Lianna Shadisuke, we are all glad to welcome you back into our ranks," He finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Thank you, Head Captain, I appreciate you allowing me to stay," She bowed a bit, her loyal side kicking in.

"Rise. No need to be like this. Go and return to the soul society, to what you'd normally be doing," The H.C turned and went back to his office. Lianna walked around a bit, trying to become accustomed to her reaper form once again.

"Well, I'm going to go back to my squad and work on some things I haven't been able to do," Toshiro smiled again to Lianna before he flash-stepped away, leaving Rukia, Renji, Byakuya, and Lianna alone.

"We best return to our squads as well. Rukia, Renji, that means you too," Byakuya spoke, and both Rukia and Renji groaned.

"Yes Captain," Renji sighed and walked away.

"But brother-" Rukia wanted to stay.

"No, Rukia. There will be time to have fun when the soul society, as well as ourselves, has fully recovered from the war we just finished," The squad 6 captain's voice wavered, his energy drained from the war and being bonded to Lianna for so long.

"Okay, brother..." Rukia frowned and reluctantly walked to her squad. Now it was only Byakuya and Lianna.

"I guess this means you all are going to be busy while I-" Lianna was cut off.

"You still haven't chosen a squad to join.. If you'd like to apply to one, mine is available," Byakuya had cut her off, and he shook lightly. Lianna noticed this.

"Are you okay? You're shaking," She asked him, worried.

"I am fine, just... Out of energy," He closed his eyes, clearly tired.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I guess I'll go so you can rest and do what you need to do," Lianna turned to walk away, as the captain behind her just stood and watched.

"Until later then, Lianna Shadisuke," Byakuya nodded to her before he quickly disappeared. Lianna was alone again.

[Up in the sky, above the Soul Society]

"So it be true, there is a living survivor," A quincy spoke, and he looked down upon the soul society, watching the last living dragon, Lianna.

"She will be very useful," He whispered.


To be continued...

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