Chapter 1 part 4

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"Lianna? You alright?" It was Ichigo. Lianna shook her head before she realized she had zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She then walked around, her mind flooded with all the memories she thought she'd never think of again.

"This is worse than any of the noble clans were told...."Byakuya finally spoke, though his voice was again emotionless.

"It was bad. Worse than either of you two can imagine..."Lianna went to the ruins of where she lived, her home. She kicked a rock over and found something...A lost treasure. It was a black dragon-scale bracelet. Lianna held it tightly as it was a family heirloom and treasure. She held it as she walked, and walked, and walked.

"Can we go now? I didn't think we'd be here this long..." Ichigo whispered that last part. Lianna glared at him as she turned to face them.

"Yeah, actually I think we should go..." Lianna put the bracelet on and changed into her dragon form. The boys climbed on and she flew them back to the seireitei. When they climbed off, Lianna flew to a small clearing just outside the seireitei walls. She changed into her soul reaper form and sat down, lighting a small campfire. She fiddled with the bracelet, also with her ring.

[The next morning]

Lianna sat awake, she put out her little fire with water and sand from the stream a few feet away. A captain appeared before her, Lianna ignored his presence.

"Are you actually Lianna Shadisuke?" It was Sajin Komamura. Lianna turned to him and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, so?"She sounder a little irritated from Sajin just showing up.

"Ah, alright. We were told that you have...Bankai. Is this true as well?"

"Yes it is. Let me guess, you want to know my Zanpakutō's name too?" Lianna rolled her eyes.

"If you'd tell me. I'm sorry but I am so curious because I have never heard of the Shadisuke noble clan before..." Sajin looked down.

"I wonder why.. Well anyways, my Zanpakutō's name is Shadoragon," Lianna pulled out her sword, tilting the blade in the sun. Sajin looked at it in awe.

"You know that Zanpakutō is the strongest shadow type Zanpakutō and one of the oldest right?" Sajin glanced up at Lianna, who tilted her head.

"No I did not know that... Where did you find that out?"

"From the Head Captain who gained the information from Mayuri Kurotsuchi," Sajin paused when a Jigokuchō(hell butterfly) flew in front of him. It stayed there for a minute, then flew away.

"Ah well, it is time for me to go. Thank you, Lianna, for telling me this. It was very interesting," Sajin then turned and used flash step to leave. In 2 seconds, he was gone. Lianna sighed from the sudden silence. Byakuya Kuchiki appeared in his place, though. As unusual as it was for him to go up to people, he did. He walked up to Lianna and handed her a small box.

"You clan's leaders gave that to us in case anything ever happened. They told us to give it to whoever survives any tragedies that may occur. I do not know what is inside," Byakuya stood there and Lianna investigated it. Sure enough, the box had her clan's symbols on it. She opened the little box, inside there was a note and a charm. The note read:

"This charm is a sacred artifact from the Shadisuke Noble Clan. As you know, we have been gifted with Zanpakutō that give us shadow and shapeshifting abilities. To whomever receives this box, know that you may very well be the last one of us. Your abilities, dragon, shadow, or both, are special. Show it only to trust-worthy people, as the ones that attacked us were most likely after our abilities. This charm, it has it's own gifts. If you are a dragon shapeshifter, tie it into your hair. When you do, and you shapeshift, the charm will appear on one of your horns. If gives you the ability to maintain your bankai form longer, as well as making it some-what stronger. Good luck to you."

Lianna folded the note, picked up the charm, and tied it in her hair. She put the box in her shihakusho, pulled out her sword, and changed into a dragon. Sure enough, the charm was there. In her dragon form, Lianna turned to face Byakuya. She lowered her head to him, speaking to him in his mind.

"Thank you, Byakuya. I greatly appreciate this." Lianna then turned and flew away. She went back to Karakuro Town for a while, getting away from all the noise in the seireitei. Conveniently, Ichigo showed up next to her on top of a building.

"Nice view, isn't it?" He glanced at her as smoke plumed from her nostrils.

"It's great, I guess..." Lianna shook her dragon head, waving the smoke around.

"Why do you always stay in that form? Wouldn't it be nice to just...Not be a dragon?" Ichigo asked, not looking at Lianna, who huffed and changed back.

"It is nice not being a great big beast.." Lianna jumped off the building and went to the lake, Ichigo followed her. Lianna dipped her feet in the water, Ichigo sat and watched.

Out of nowhere, a mass of spiritual pressure appeared behind them, Lianna jumped up and faced it, as did Ichigo. It was the same soul reaper that tried to kill her all those years ago! He had many, many scars from when Lianna first released her Bankai and attacked him.

"Lianna Shadisuke, you are supposed to be dead," He spoke with a smirk on his face.

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