Chapter 9 part 1

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"That is a good thing. She is larger than I thought she would be..." Ichigo also let out his breath. Byakuya watched her fly away, saying nothing. The crowd behind them became even more fueled with anger and nervousness. Eventually, they were driven away.

As the days went by, more and more riots happened. And all the three could do was wait for their dragon to come back. If she would ever come back.

It was sooner than they expected, but she did come back. During one of the riots near the wall around the soul society, Ichigo, Byakuya, and Toshiro were surrounded by the rioting soul reapers. The wall had come down because the undead army was approaching rapidly.

"Wait! All of you! We have to stop this and defend the Soul Society!" Toshiro paused as a roar came from behind the rioters.

"Wait! All of you! We have to stop this and defend the Soul Society!" Toshiro paused as a roar came from behind the rioters

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Lianna appeared, landing on the wall.

She roared again, making all the rioting soul reapers step back, then she climbed down

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She roared again, making all the rioting soul reapers step back, then she climbed down. As she was even larger than before, she was able to carry her three soul reapers and more. The dragon lowered herself to the ground, allowing Toshiro to climb on. Byakuya and Ichigo followed him quickly, sitting themselves next to Toshiro.

"Prepare youselves! We are going to begin the war!" Toshiro turned Lianna, and she lifted into the air. They flew over the wall, and the Ice King was already in sight. He had a single ice spear, as he was confident he could finally destroy the dragon once and for all.

The soul reapers behind them began slaying the undead army, they had courage because they now had a dragon back on their side.

The soul reapers behind them began slaying the undead army, they had courage because they now had a dragon back on their side

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As Lianna decimated the undead army by fire, the Ice King locked onto her with his ice spear, ready to finally kill her.

"Wait! Killing them like this won't help, they will keep getting back up until the leader is killed!" Toshiro explained his plan to the two beside him, and Lianna listened to her part in the plan.

They flew over the soul reapers that fought below them, yelling to them to retreat back over the wall. They did, and they watched from over the wall as to what was going to happen. The dragon moved directly towards the Ice King, and he threw the ice spear at her. It just narrowly missed, skimming her neck and left side. Once he saw that he missed, he knew it was the end for him. Lianna hovered in front of him, waiting for his riders command.

"I am of the winter, and winter will never go away!" He yelled, putting his arms up in a w shape. Lianna roared as the three that rode her gave their command:

"Dracarys!" They all said it at once.

She blasted fire on him, and this time, it completely destroyed him

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She blasted fire on him, and this time, it completely destroyed him.

It was done. The war was over...


To be continued...

The Lost ReaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora