Chapter 6 part 1

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The ice-crowned man took aim at Lianna with his ice spear, and threw. Lianna was able to dodge it, but barely. And it was only because she saw it coming at her. The man only watched as she evaded the spear.

"That was just luck. The next one that gets thrown at you won't miss," He spoke confidently, his voice unwavering, but his face emotionless.

"You say that now, but you don't know what will happen," Lianna looked down when she saw the undead army forming a tower, reaching up to where Lianna was. They began climbing up her tail, almost reaching her wings. The weight of them made Lianna struggle to stay in the air. Kurai chuckled at the sight of it. Lianna roared, the army that climbed up her body dug little knives into her scales, making the situation worse.

From behind, a huge hand came and hit the tower of undead soul reapers and arrancars, knocking it down. This relieved some of the weight on Lianna, but not all of it. Lianna glanced behind herself, seeing a giant samurai...It was Sajin Komamura's bankai. The samurai waved it's wand behind Lianna, blowing off the undead ones that remained.

"Thank you so much. I owe you," Lianna turned back to the mysterious man and Kurai.

"Ready your soldiers. I will be back," The man turned and led Kurai into the mist, and their undead horde followed. Lianna tried to chase after them, but the mist solidified and stopped her. She blasted fire into the mist, but they were long gone.

"Those damn people!" Lianna thought to herself. Sajin flash-stepped up to her, as he stared into the mist.

"We must go tell the Head Captain of this," he turned and flash-stepped back into the dome, his bankai disappearing. Lianna turned back into a soul reaper and followed him. Both of them explained what had just happened, not just to the Head Captain, but to all the captains and lieutenants.

"We again, are at war. All captains! Prepare your squads and tell them only what they need to know. We must be ready for when these attackers come back!" The Head Captain announced, and all the other captains complied. They all turned to their squads and started war preparations. All Lianna could think about was making sure everyone stayed alive.

They had no idea the things that were going to soon be happening...

To be continued...

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