Chapter 6 part 2

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"We again, are at war. All captains! Prepare your squads and tell them only what they need to know. We must be ready for when these attackers come back!" The Head Captain announced, and all the other captains complied. They all turned to their squads and started war preparations. All Lianna could think about was making sure everyone stayed alive.

They had no idea the things that were going to soon be happening...

As the hours turned into days, the war that they were preparing for wasn't happening. They kept sending scouting groups out into the cold air, but nothing. They all came back saying that the mist was still there, and the cold was still there, but they attackers weren't. Eventually, Lianna snuck out in her dragon form. Even though it was a black and red dragon, she wasn't spotted. She stayed out for hours, not wanting to be cooped up and not participating in the war.

As she flew around, she saw the ground spotted with people, or at least she thought it was people. Lianna shrunk to a smaller size, landing and crouching on a hill. It was the undead army, they were camped out outside the soul society.

"So nice of you to join us!" Kurai stood behind her, his hands on his side, holding a bow.

"Kurai...What do you want," Lianna spoke to his mind angrily.

"That was what I was going to ask! What are you doing in our camp? Spying, perhaps?"

"Why should I tell you?! You're probably doing the same thing!" Lianna grew to her normal dragon size, looking down at Kurai.

"Is that supposed to be intimidating? It's obvious there are ways to take you down, and I'm not afraid to use them. It would be one less thing to worry about," Kurai spoke confidently, his voice didn't waver in any way. Lianna roared at him, her fury slowly rising.

Kurai stood there, not worried at all.

"You may be able to scare others, but not me," He pulled his bow from his side, drew it, and aimed it right at Lianna.

"You wouldn't!" Lianna bared her teeth, suppressing her true feelings. Because she was in dragon form, she could smell the dragon blood in his veins. So it was true, he was a dragon. But it wasn't enough for him to have any of their abilities. As he had dragon blood, it would be almost impossible for her to hurt him. Someone else would have to do it.

"You smell it, don't you? I'm one of you, and you can't do anything about it!" Kurai drew the bow-string back further, almost releasing it.

"That would be against our laws! You can't shoot me!" Lianna told him, but he just smiled.

"So? I wasn't in YOUR specific clan! So it doesn't count for me!" Kurai quickly jumped above Lianna, aiming and shooting at her leg. The arrow roughly struck the spot he aimed at, making Lianna almost collapse. She quickly took off, trying to get as far away as she could. Kurai waved, turned, and went back to his camp.

Lianna flew heavily, decreasing in altitude, and when she reached the shadow dome, she was almost on the ground. She crashed landed, and the soul reapers in the dome quickly surrounded her. Lianna panted heavily, her eyes closed. Capt. Unohana appeared at the arrow, already getting to work on it. Byakuya stood next to her head, placing a hand on her snout. Lianna opened her eyes to look at him, but she was too weak to get up.

"That arrow was tipped with poison, likely dragon-poison," Unohana said from behind Lianna. Because Lianna had been with them for so long, Unohana had learned more about the ways of dragons and how to heal them.

The cold air began to seep into the dome, and the mist also slid in.

"Don't worry. In a few minutes, I'll be able to fix it..." Lianna took breaks when she spoke, and she did as she said. When she was feeling a bit better, she went over to the dome walls and repaired them. The cold and mist was no longer there. Lianna changed back into a soul reaper, going around to check on everyone. Byakuya followed her around, just in case. When she realized he was doing this, she confronted him.

"What is it, Byakuya?"

"Nothing, just going with you to make sure you stay safe.... And so you don't try to fly out of here," Byakuya explained, strangely because he didn't like to talk much.

"Oh-... Alright I guess... Lianna turned and continued doing what she was doing. As the people in the dome continued training, the conditions became worse.

The mist outside the dome became thicker, and it became colder, much colder than before...

To be continued...

The Lost Reaperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें