Chapter 1 part 2

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"Well let's go grab Ichigo Kurosaki and get on with our mission. It says here that Lianna should be in....Karakura Town, same as Ichigo..."

"Really? Then let's go before she finds out we are on our way to get her!" Rukia said enthusiastically. Soi Fon ignored her and stepped through the Senkaimon, followed by Rukia Kuchiki, and Renji Abarai....

[In Karakura Town]

"It's been a while since we have been here. Also, Ichigo is coming this way. I sent him a message just before we arrived..." Soi Fon crossed her arms and waited. A few seconds later, an orange haired soul reaper stood in from of them.

"So, what's this about we need to find someone?" It was Ichigo, and he sounded confused.

"We are looking for Lianna Shadisuke, a soul reaper that is hiding out in this town-"Rukia explained everything in detail to Ichigo.

"Ah, alright. Understood. Any ideas where she could be? Let me say this first, I DID sense a new spiritual pressure over by the river..."Ichigo commented.

"Take us there, and show me. I will do the tracking, you guys just look for more clues," Soi Fon gave her commands. Ichigo led them to the river, where he sensed the spiritual pressure. Soi Fon began investigating and Rukia, Renji, as well as Ichigo walked around looking for clues.

[with Lianna]

She flashes across the town, when she stops to see 4 unknown soul reapers walking around the river. Her breath was heavy from her running, and from her practicing. Her eyes went from one soul reaper to the next. Her mind racing as she tried to think about what to do. Go up to them? Run? Attack? Nothing sounded right..So she turned and shapeshifted into a great beast with her Bankai, disappearing into the clouds.

[Back with the group]

"GUYS! I just felt a MASSIVE spiritual pressure over there!" Rukia yelled and pointed to a building.

"Me too. It must have been Lianna. Let's go!" Soi Fon led her group to the building, then across the town, as she tracked the feeling of the spiritual pressure. They were getting closer, but farther away from the town. Soon, they were at a mountain. Strange sounds came from everywhere, disorienting the group. Rukia covered her ears and closed her eyes. She felt something and flashed away from the group. When she found what she was looking for, it was much different then she had imagined.

It was a great dragon, it was making the sounds that confused the group.

It was a great dragon, it was making the sounds that confused the group

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(what the dragon looks like)

"GUYS QUICKLY! OVER HERE!" Rukia yelled as loud as she could. Almost immediately, Renji, Ichigo, and Soi Fon appeared. Renji's mouth gaped opened, Ichigo just stared. The dragon roared loudly and bared it's teeth.

"Wait....This feels like the same spiritual pressure we found before! This must be the bankai form of Lianna! Everyone back up and show her we mean no harm... Soi Fon backed up, as did her group. The dragon lowered it's head, a voice flooding the group's minds.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The voice seemed to come from the dragon.

"We were sent here to look for you....And to bring you home," Soi Fon replied to the voice, her eyes staring into the dragon's eyes.

To be continued...

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