Chapter 7 Part 1

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Lianna crashed into the lake, leaving a trail from where she slid to the point she stopped. Everyone on the battlefield stopped to look as the dragon was defeated.

Many from the soul society tried to wake her up, but nothing.

She was gone.

"Wait, wait... This can't happen!" Rukia fell to her knees in front of the unmoving dragon. Renji and Ichigo stood on either side of her, their faces full of dread. The 'Ice King' gathered what remained of his army and left. They knew they had done their job, now that the dragon was gone. The soul society surrounded the downed dragon, each of their faces full of sadness, and some anger. Even Byakuya's face was twisted with sadness. Rukia jumped up once she remembered something Lianna had told her.

"Wait! I know how we can fix this! We can bring her back!"


"Shadoragon was a Zanpakutō everyone prayed they wouldn't have because if you are at the brink of death... You have to bond with someone to live."


Rukia explained what Lianna told her, and they all lit up with hope.

"Is this possible? Could we do it?" Renji said, his voice shaky.

"Yes, but we might have to hurry..." Byakuya pulled the book Lianna had found out of his shihakusho, opening it to a certain page. He read the instructions to them, and they began arguing.

"If she has to bond with someone, we need that person to be experienced with flying the dragons, and just being with them in general," Toshiro stopped the arguing between the soul reapers around him.

"Brother, didn't you used to go to the Shadisuke manor? And ride on her father's back?" Rukia turned to Byakuya, who still held the book.

"Yes, I did. But that does not mean I am suitable for this," He stood still, most likely thinking.

"Brother, please. Maybe Captain Hitsugaya can help you because his zanpakutō is a dragon?" Rukia kept arguing that they should work together on it. They finally complied.

"Only because it is for the best..." Toshiro went up to the dragon, placing a hand on it. Byakuya did the same.

"Ichigo, you go too. She is a large being, and you can help them," Rukia pushed Ichigo towards the dragon.

"Fine," He sighed, placing a hand in between the other two. Together, they pressed their spiritual pressure into Lianna's own faded energy. Shadows exploded from her body, engulfing the three soul reapers that were holding her. The dragons body shrunk, fading and becoming the shadows. Soon, there was an oval shaped object lying on the ground. Ichigo picked it up, as Toshiro and Byakuya both looked at it confused.

"Is this...Is this an egg?" Toshiro tilted his head.

"It is. The book says they will be reborn as a younger dragon, growing up until they are free again," Byakuya put the book away, moving so he could see the egg better. It moved in Ichigo's hands, cracking. A few minutes later, the little one inside began emerging. It was a smaller version of the main dragon form Lianna had always taken.

 It was a smaller version of the main dragon form Lianna had always taken

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It shook it's head, spreading it's red and black wings. The little dragon screeched, the soul reapers around them gasped. For once in a very long time, the night was filled with the call of a dragon. The dragon's little black head looked to the three that had bonded to it, tilting its head to each of them. The Head Captain walked over, looking towards the tiny dragon.

"Is that Lianna?"

"Yes, sir. It is," Rukia walked over to it, putting out her hand. Little Lianna stumbled off Ichigo's hands and onto Rukia's.

"I expect you all to make sure she can come back to our ranks. Understood?" The H.C. had his hands on his staff, looking at the dragon.

"Yes, sir. We understand," Renji replied as the Head Captain turned to return to the dissolving shadow dome. The winter and mist was still there, but not as bad. It was warm enough that they would return to the soul society, and leave the dome. Ichigo held onto the dragon as Toshiro and Byakuya worked to get their squads settled back in their barracks.

That day marked the day of a new life.

To be continued...

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