Chapter 7 part 3

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"It seems they do understand this language. We must all work to remember it," Byakuya gently stroked the dragon's little back, and Ichigo just watched.

"Don't worry, we'll get this!" He smiled.

"I hope we do, so we can bring her back with us as a soul reaper," Toshiro's voice softened. A single black butterfly hovered in front of Toshiro and Byakuya, giving them a message. After it flew away, they both stood up.

"It seems we must go to.... A captain's meeting. Ichigo, do not lose her," Byakuya glared at Ichigo, who jumped back.

"Huuuuhh? Now why would I LOSE her? I'll just take her to the World of the Living, to my house. I mean, what could happen?"

"Very well. Goodbye for now," Byakuya turned, and flash stepped away. Toshiro followed suite. Ichigo carefully picked up the little dragon, carrying her to his house. Unfortunately, Rukia and Renji could not go as well. Ichigo's father tried to kick him in the face again, but Ichigo was experienced with this and he dodged it. He saw what Ichigo was carrying, and paused.

"What is that?!"

"DAD STOP! Okay so, you remember that soul reaper I told you about? The one named Lianna Shadisuke? Well, this is her. And it's a long story about why she is like this...." Ichigo started to tell his father everything that had happened, and his father was surprised.

"I didn't know this was true, that anyone out of her clan had lived! And she died?! How horrible!" His father ran over to his wife's picture, hugging it. Ichigo just sighed and went to his room. After placing the little dragon on his bedside table, he flopped on his bed. Little Lianna screeched, sniffing the table then looking up at Ichigo for food.

"Ah, I know what you want..." He sat up and pulled a small bag of meat out of his pocket. The bag was small and only held 4–5 pieces of meat, but it was good enough. He placed one on the table in front of Lianna, and he decided to test something out.

"Dracarys," He said, and Lianna knew what to do. She looked at the meat, and cooked it. She ate it, then whined to Ichigo. He stroked her back as she layed down on the table and went to sleep. Ichigo passed out as well.

Hours later, Toshiro slipped into the room. He woke up Ichigo quickly.

"So, we tell you to watch her and you go to sleep?" He spoke with such annoyance in his voice.

"Alright, alright. I'm up... She is right he-...." Ichigo looked at the spot Lianna was laying, but she wasn't there. The door to Ichigo's room was open, and both Ichigo and Toshiro ran down the stairs to see if she was there. Sure enough, it was Karin who was holding onto her. Little Lianna lifted her head to see the two boys looking at her. She turned her head to see them, and she looked annoyed.

"Is this supposed to be yours?"


To be continued...

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