chapter 2 part 3

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"So that is what you guys are doing out here? Tracking someone? Wow. If you wanted to do that why not ask Captain Soi Fon...?" Renji crossed his arms as he thought.

"Then again, a mission like this would be looked down upon by the upper commanders..." He added.

"Well, we are doing it anyway, and no orders can stop us," Lianna finally said something.

"That's right. We can do this, and it's for good cause," Rukia smiled. The group camped out on the island until it was late morning the next day, warm enough to get going again. Rukia pulled out her tracker as the group climbed atop Lianna's back, telling Lianna to continue going north. They flew until Lianna's wings were almost frozen before spotting a man enter a secret snow-dome.

"I bet that leads to an underground hideout, let's go check it out..." Renji said just as Lianna changed her scales to a blueish-white color.

"Maybe this'll help us blend in more, I'll take us in but I want all of you on full lookout

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"Maybe this'll help us blend in more, I'll take us in but I want all of you on full lookout. Do not move away from the group," Lianna landed softly in the snow, leaving large footprints and claw-marks as she walked towards the dome. The group looked around, many emotions fluttering around each of them. When they were right next to the dome, the group had to make a decision.

"I say we go in and destroy it!" Renji and Ichigo both agreed.

"I think we should notify the soul society about this and wait for reinforcements," Rukia put out her opinion. Lianna shook her head, trying to decide.

"We'll notify the Soul Society and we will cause as much damage as we can, so they know we will not hesitate to attack if needed..." Lianna made the choice, and Rukia began sending messages to the soul society as Lianna began burning down the entrance.

" Lianna made the choice, and Rukia began sending messages to the soul society as Lianna began burning down the entrance

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Inside the dome, it was all stone, but large enough for Lianna to walk in carrying her riders. Many soul reaper guards attacked, but were torched down. Soon, they came to a huge, empty room. It had strange engravings all on the walls.

"Now that I think about it... This does seem like a trap," Renji looked at the ground nervously.

"LIANNA! FLY, QUICKLY!" Rukia shouted and Lianna hovered above the ground. Spike came shooting up, they had been waiting to puncture someone's feet.

The Lost ReaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora