Chapter 20: Love Potion

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Virgil Pov:

After I head back to my room I started going threw my spell book that my mom gave me. It was there I found a love potion. My plan was to give him a small dose of it so he can stop hating me. I learn that depending how strong the love potion it can make someone stop hating you to start being obsess with you.

When Remus & Janus came back I told them what I was planing to do.

Remus- Your nuts you know that?

Virgil- I just want him to stop hating me so if I make a weak love potion it would at least make him stop hating me and maybe even start liking me.

Janus- Ya and how long are you willing for this to last?

Virgil- Until Roman & Remus birthday. I heard he going to be crown king at that point and the wand will be there ready for the taking. We just need to wait until then.

Remus- And what would happen if it back fires?

Virgil- I am also going to make a cure on the same day so just in case it becomes to much I will give him the cure and erase his memory and pretend nothing happen it's a win win

Janus- That a good idea when should we start making it?

Remus- Why not right now? There is a kitchen we can use. We can making the love potion into a cookie and give it to my brother. We can also make a second batch but instead of cookies it will be chocolate. We can put the cure in the chocolate if it goes down to it.

Virgil- Well sound like a plan lets go

*Time skip*

We head down to the kitchen and had started getting to work on making the potion. We were using one of the cook books so we can make it a cookie but we are missing something that none of us can give. We need someone to cry. It can't be my tears as I'm not really human. Janus and Remus doesn't cry that much ether making it more difficult then we think.

Patten- What you doing over here?

Remus- Oh umm we are just making some cookies

Patten- Really let me try some

Virgil- No wait

With that Patten ate some before thinking

Patten- What?

Janus- Are you feeling ok? Like do you feel different at all?

Remus- How do you feel about Logan?

Patten- Oh Logan he amazing. I love him with all my heart and would do anything for him. Did you know we are getting married soon after Roman becomes king?

Virgil- No why are you getting marry so soon?

Patten- To be honest with you I want to get away from my mother. She been controlling of me as a lately. I can't use magic or I can't fly around and be free like I use to it just driving me crazy.

Janus- So you are going to marry the son of the genie Logan to stop all of this?

Patten- Yes did you not know? Logan is also being force to do things too. He hasn't been able to use magic anymore and he been keeping his lamp in a pocket detention so no one can touch it again. If we get marry we can have are first step into happiness and freedom. Don't get me wrong we do love each other really much but things have been getting hard for us since Roman becoming king is coming up.

Virgil- I see I'm sorry to hear that

Patten- Don't be when Roman becomes king he will be changing the rules a little bit so he can give people like my self more freedom. Now I think your cookie are missing some chocolate chips lucky for you I had some on me.

He then poor some chocolate chips inside the batter before looking at us.

Patten- What did you never have cookies before?

Janus- No not really that why we are making some so we can have some

Patten- Oh you poor thing I can't even imagine what its like there

That is when I saw a small tear on him. I grab that tear and threw it in the batter. He look at me confused until I just smile back.

Virgil- Well you don't have to cry about it. We are here now so why don't you go looking for your boyfriend Logan? He might be worry about you

Patten- Oh I completely forgot I have a date with him soon thank you for reminding me

Virgil- No thank you

With that he left leaving three smiling villains mixing the cookie dough together.

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