Chapter 17: Human Nature

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Virgil Pov:

It was hard than I thought to hide storm away from people. I didn't want people looking at me in a different way so I tend to keep storm in my backpack.

I show Remus and Janus my familiar and they were shock.


Remus- You found your familiar and its a baby jackwing that's amazing

Janus- Its amazing and shocking at the same time. I thought we didn't have familiars but I guess we were wrong

Virgil- Actually if you had read ahead in your history book. It says everyone have a familiar but not everyone get a chance to meet there familiar.

Remus- Oh ya the fairy god mother did mention how familiar will show up when you ether "need them the most" or what I like to called randomly

Janus- Ya I agree with Remus also why is your familiar a jackwing I thought they aren't anymore

Virgil- That what Patten and Emile said too. I did some research on it and apparently humans had started hunting them down for horrible things. They would in slave them, kill them, use them, and all of those horrible things. It got to the point that they took the prince of all jackwings and killed him. This made all jackwings angry and there was a huge war.

Remus- Oh ya I read about that part. The war left million of people and creatures ether hurt or dead. It was horrible. I don't remember who won though

Janus- Neither side was going to win and it was end up leaving no one alive if it wasn't for a powerful queen with magic taken in charge of a kingdom. She was able to change everything and even made a deal with the jackwing leader. She was able to stop the war and it turn out that her familiar was a jackwing.

Remus- Ok so they made peace but that doesn't explain why there not around today

Virgil- When the queen end up dying all of the jackwings end up going home in fear of humans hunting them down again.

Remus- Oh I get it now so human pretty much ruin everything. They attack your kingdom Virgil and went to war with the jackwings wow we are so mess up.

Virgil- Yes we are humans don't seem to learn from there mistakes

Remus- Wait aren't we human?

Janus- No not really Remus you became a beast when we first met you. I still remember what one of the islanders said to you

Remus- Oh ya they called me a smelly mutt, a werewolf, a dog, a furry, and so much more names.

Janus- Virgil your pretty much a fairy god. Your mother was a fairy and your farther was a god

Virgil- Well I don't think my mom was a fairy or at least not anymore. She was more like a sorcerer or even a devil in disguise. Also just because my father was a god doesn't mean I am one too.

Janus- True you would be born as a demi god

Remus- What about you?

Janus- I more snake then human as the day past but before I was even curse I guess I was half human? I mean I am technically a genie if you think about it. I am just a genie with no lamp but I guess I am still human in a way.

Virgil- We all are human Janus I mean just because Remus can tune himself into a monster doesn't mean he not human at alk

Janus- I guess your right

*Flashback Ends*

I was walking down the halls when I felt myself behind push into the lockers again. It was the same bullies that I met before. I was able to learn there names. Bully 1 name is Josh while Bully 2 name is Flash and the girl of the group name is Blake.

Blake- Well well well is it isn't Mr. Mute aren't you going to say anything to us today?

I normally don't fight back knowing that people would believe them more than me I am a villain kid after all and they "tend to be trouble makers"

Flash- I think he needs a wake up call don't you think?

Josh- I think so too

With that Flash and Josh had started hitting me again but that is when I notice Blake have my bag

Blake- Oooh look what I have let see what you are hiding from us. I couldn't help but notice your bag moving a little bit in class today so lets see what poor creature you have lock in your bag shall we.

I tried to get up but the two boys were holding me down. When she open my bag storm had jump out and claw her face before flying off. The guys were in shock as an angry Blake look at me.

Josh- Was that a jackwing I never seem them here before

Flash- Ya and it was a baby one of

Blake- Lets not worry about that now.

Josh- But boss Jackwings aren't around that much anymore you do know that right?

Blake- I know that. That why I have a plan I am going to tame that beast and it going to be my pet.

I look at her in horror as she explain to me what she would do to storm. She pretty much is going to put storm on a leach and show her around like she some cool artifact. I was started to get pissed but flash notice this and had pick me up and had smash my head into the locker multiple times. I started to black out when I heard someone scream and me being met go before being drop on the floor and everything goes to black.

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