Chapter 12: Break In Fail

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No One Pov:

Night time had finally came around. Everyone in the castle was a sleep when the three villain kids sneak out of there rooms to the museum.

Virgil was able to use his magic to block out the cameras and made the guard go asleep.

Virgil- Alright now we just need to find the want, get you cure, and get the hell out of here

Janus- Easy said then done.

With that they started to look around. They notice things from the past like Janus farther old cloths or even the sword that almost killed remus great grandfather. All of the stuff in here told a story about the past.

When Janus look at his father old clothing he started getting flashbacks on how his father became a genie and then got stuck on the isles. How they were going to lock him away inside his lamp if it wasn't for someone breaking him free. He remember how his father tried using his genie magic but it didn't work on the isles.

Janus Pov:

Janus Mind- No it can't be


Janus- Father what are you doing?

Jafar- I'm trying to get off this horrible island

Janus- Off the island? I want to get off this island how can we get off the island?

Jafar- Well My son I use to have magic but they sealing my magic away in a lamp

Janus- Oh? Is there a way I can try to help?

Jafar- Yes you can just get close to the barrier

Janus- Ok

I walk up to the barrier being careful to not touch it but when I turn to my father he blasted me with something making me go into the barrier and my magic started going hair wild. I screamed and cry as I heard my father laugh

*flashback ends*

No One pov:

Virgil And Remus turn to see there friend having a hard time to breath. He was having a panic attack. Vigil look ahead to see what janus was looking at and that is when he froze.

In a glass container was his father lamp. The lamp the had all of his father magic in it. The lamp where his father was trap inside for so long.

Vigil ran in front of janus hopefully getting his attention

Vigil- Janus hey look at me

Janus- It all his fault its all his fault

Remus- We know we know and that why we are going to try and fix this ok?

Janus- Ok

Remus took janus away from the area while vigil was still staring at the lamp.

Vigil Mind- You curse janus because you wanted your power back and now here it is right in front of me. All I need is to send it to the void where no one can ever get there hands on it but I guess this is also a great way to punish him. Letting people see his lamp while he is forever trap on the isles forever.

Virgil soon walk to the detection where he believe his friends walk to when he stop as he heard someone called his name. He turn to see his own mother staff right in front of him.

Virgil look at it thinking of all the things his mother did to him before shaking his head and started catching up to the others.

Remus- Where were you?

Vigil- Just thinking hey janus you ok?

Janus- I am not fine

Remus- And he lying again hopefully we can fix this soon

Janus- Yesssss lesssst not hope

Virgil- Well lets get a moving then

*Time Skip*

After look around the place they were able to spot the wand but before Virgil can do anything remus ran up and tried to grab it. A barrier which was protecting the wand push him way and the alarms started going off

Vigil- Great not look what you did

Remus- I'm sorry I wasn't-

Vigil- It doesn't matter lets get out of here

With that though they left but before they left janus was able to convince the people from the other line of a phone which was ring that it was a false alarm.

*Time skip*

Virgil Pov:

Virgil- Great now we need to wait until the close is clear now thanks to you remus

Remus- Hey I forgot and I was worry about janus

Janus- There nothing you should be worry about remus because now we need to get ready for school later on today

Remus- Great school the last thing we need

Vigil- *sigh* lets just stay low and get some rest. School does start later on today and we need to be well rested so we won't look suspicious ok

Janus & Remus- Ok

Vigil- Good now goodnight everyone see you in the morning.

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