Chapter 18: Nurse Office

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No One Pov:

While Virgil was being beaten up by bullies storm went and try to get some help.

She couldn't find Remus or Janus but she sis ran into a familiar twin prince that she almost mistaken as Remus. She ran up to him and had tried to get his attention. She grab the dude pants and had started pulling which made him look down.

Roman- What the- Is that a jackwing? Oh my god it is. Hey there umm sorry if I am being to forward I'm not that great with cats but umm are you my familiar?

Storm look at him before shaking her head no. She then flew up to his face and had taken his crown before running off.

Roman- Hey that my crown get back here bad kitty

He ran after storm but when they got to the halls he saw in horror one of the villain kids getting there head smash into the lockers. He started running at them forgetting his crown when they turn and look at him.

There smug faces turn to fear before all three of them bolted out of there leaving a badly injured Virgil on the floor.

Roman- Oh My god please don't die pls don't die I don't want pattern thinking that I killed him pls don't die on me.

That is when Roman saw the Jackwing with his crown in its mouth. She look at him with plead in her eyes asking him to help her master.

Roman- Fine I will take him to the nurse office but then you have to give me back my crown and go back to where ever you belong ok

Storm nodded her head yes before following him to the nurse room area. The nurse wasn't there but Roman did know a thing or two about fixing someone up when they are injured.

When Roman fix Virgil right up, Virgil had started waking up.

Virgil- Ow my head

Roman- It good to see you awake

That is when Virgil shot up and look at Roman as if he a ghost.

Roman- Now I need answers and your going to give them to me. First of all who were those guys bullying you. I thought you would be the one bullying them

Virgil- Of course you would think that is it because I'm a "villain child" and that " I might be the same as my parents." You shouldn't worry about me after all I am just a low life villain to you people and no one would believe a villain word.

That is when storm jump onto my lap and had started licking me

Virgil- Thanks storm you were a real help I just wish you got someone else.

Roman- Wait she your familiar!? You have a familiar

Virgil- Big surprise yes I do. I found her a few days ago. I was trying to hide her away from people but I guess the cat is out of the bag. Those bullies of mine are going to probably make up a lie that she there familiar and try to take her away from me. At least that what one of the said to me.

Roman- Anxiety look I know you don't like me and I definitely don't like you but if there going after your familiar because she choose you. You probably should tell the principal.

Virgil- That was the plan because unlike the people here I trust him more than anyone in the light kingdom

Roman- I just have a question why?

Virgil- Why what?

Roman- Why don't you speak more or why dis a jackwing choose you to be her master

Virgil- To answer your question its none of your business now if you excuse me I have a principle to talk to

With that Virgil left. Roman couldn't help but feel a little worry about him before he shut that feeling down and had head back to class.

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