Chapter 1: Normal Day

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Virgil Pov:

It was normal day on the isles. Janus, Remus and I were stealing food and been just casing are own trouble.

Are normal days are wake up steal some food or if we have food eat the food we have. Goof around and talk then steal some more food so we won't steal for a while. Then one of us (mainly remus) would get into a fight which would lead the others trying to ether help them or stop the fight then we would head down to are secret area where we live and stay there until the next day happen.

There are more crazy things that does happen like we get in trouble with other villain kids but we try to stay away from that.

Roman Pov:

It was a normal day in the castle. I was training with my sword when I heard one of my servants telling me that one of my friends were here to see me.

When getting change I couldn't help but look at one of the two last photo I have left of my brother.

You see years ago something happen which had change everything. My mother, father, and I were talking about me being the future king when he heard screaming. I was force to stay in the room where I was while my parents went to check it out but after a while of waiting I decided to leave and see what went down. That is when I saw it my brother cover in blood with bright glowing green eyes being taken away.

I tried to run after my twin only to be grab and pull into my mother arms. I was screaming and crying for them to left me go as I heard my brother screaming my name. I tried screaming out to him. I was able to break out of my mother grip when I saw my brother being push into a car and being drive away. I tried running after the car screaming my brother name as I saw him banging on the windows calling mine but I trip and when I look up one more time to see my brother he was gone.

Later on that day my mother and father told me that I won't be able to see my brother again because he a danger to all of us but I didn't believe them I just couldn't. The way they turn there back on him when he needed them and the way they burn everything that had little memories of my brother. I was only able to save two photos. One of the whole family while the other on was just my brother and I playing together.

When I finally went down to see who wanted to see me it was patten one of my closes friends.

Roman- Hey Patten good to see you why are you doing here?

Patten- I wanted to talk to you about something in private pls

Roman- oh ok sure let go to my room then

When we enter my room Patten look at the photo I have hidden on my dresser

Patten- They let you keep this still?

Roman- Yes but they made promise to keep it in my room or else they would destroy it.

Patten- and the hidden one?

Roman- I have that photo on me at all times

Patten- I see well that actually why I'm here. I want you to give villain kids a chance from the isles.

Roman- What!? No way I am going to do that

Patten- It the only way to find your twin Roman and you know it besides this can be a new start for everyone.

Roman- I guess your right but I still am hesitant to do this after all what happen if there like there parents

Patten- No one is there parent Roman you should know that. I just think its time for us to give them a chance pls Roman pls

Roman- Oh no not the puppy eyes fine I will do it but only to find my brother got it


With that Patten gave me a hug before leaving my room as I wonder how I am going to bring this up to my parents.

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