Chapter 8: What Your Name?

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Vigil Pov:

As we enter the castle I couldn't help but look around. The castle was huge and I never seen anything like it before. While walking though I saw a photo of the royal family but I notice there wasn't a photo of remus at all.

Did they forget about him and disown him? It wasn't even his fault that day if anything it was his parent and the people who work at the castle fault.

Janus- So what are you guys names and who are you the parents of?

I could tell remus is upset when he notice that there wasn't any photo of him at all but janus grab his hand and squeeze a little in reassurance.

Patten- Well you already know my name but his my name is Patten and I am the son of the fairy god mother

Remus- Wow so you can do magic like with a fairy wand or something?

Patten- Well sort of you see I don't have a wand or my mother wand

Janus- Oh?

Remus- Alrighty then so what about you tall guy with the glasses what your name and who are you related to?

Logan- Oh my name is Logan and I am the son of the genie

Remus- Wait Really? So you can grant wishes and all of that is someone have your lamp

Logan- Well sort of. Yes they can grant wishes but my lamp have been hidden for a very long time now so no one can grant a wish

Janus- Oh I see and what is your name mighty prince?

Roman- My name is roman and if you can tell I am the child of the beast now we know your names but who are you guys related to?

Remus- Mind your own business prince

That is when I step in and grab remus shorter which is code word of me telling him to calm down which he did.

Janus- Sorry about him it just that he doesn't have the best relationship with his parents as well as all of us. You see all of are parents were cruel people and we were all disappointment to them.

Patten- Oh I am so sorry to hear that

Janus- Its fine after all we have each other and we all are family in a way

Patten- Well that a nice thought

Roman- That remind me why don't you speak anxiety?

Remus- Mind Your Business

Janus- Duke that enough but I guess we will have to tell you. You see are leader have anxiety and since this is a new area it going to take some time for him to get comfortable.

Patten- Oh kiddo well I hope you start feeling comfortable here soon after all there are a lot of nice people around

I look at him and gave him a smile before looking at the floor.

When we were taken to are rooms we notice that one of us will be Separated from the other which none of us. I thought that I might be the odd person out but that is when remus spoke up.

Remus- So this is are room? Sweet we get to cuddle every night Deceit I just hope you don't mind us having fun during the night anxiety

I just gave him the look of you better not if I am in the room but that is when Roman grab my hand and I started feeling a little panic as I tried to get him to let go

Janus- Hey let him go he doesn't like people touching him

Patten- Oh really I'm sorry we didn't know Roman let the poor boy go now

Roman- But this isn't his room

Patten- So what? If they feel comfortable sharing a room then let them

Roman- Fine but if you guys start causing trouble then I will separate you guys got it

Remus- Loud and Clear Roman

Roman- Good

With that he let me go. I ran to Janus and Remus and hid behind them.

Logan- Alrighty then we will let you guys get comfortable. If you need anything just ask and get some rest as Monday will be your first day of school and Tomorrow we will be showing you guys around so you won't get lost

Janus- That sound great we will see you in the morning then as all the drive did made us all tired right?

Remus- Yes it did don't you agree anxiety?

Vigil- *Nods*

Patten- Well see you in the morning then night

With that they shut the door and left which leave us thinking of a plan on how to find the fairy god mother wand and how to steal it.

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