chapter 27

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hela: loki stop leaving your boots in the middle of the living room or i swear i will throw them into the fireplace

loki: die mad about it

hela: im going to kill you in your sleep

loki: pussy

loki: do it while im awake

thor: Or we could get along.

loki: or i could pour acid on u

'bruce' Left The Chat!

'thor' Added 'bruce' To The Chat!

bruce: There is no reason for me to be here.

hela: ur part of the family now just accept it

thor: Aw!! See Bruce? Hela loves you!!

hela: love is a very strong word

bruce: Thor have you burned that pillow yet?

loki: he refused so i threw it in a woodchopper

bruce: Thank you.

thor: WHAT????

loki: yeah soz

loki: but not really bc it was really creepy

peter: i helped!!!

bruce: Thank you both.

thor: I am distraught!! Appalled!! Devastated!!

hela: can you be all of that in silence pls

peter: did anyone else see thor fall over on the football field today or was it just me?

hela: please tell me theres a video please god let me have this

thor: I did not fall.

bruce: Well that's not entirely true.

peter: *thor falling*


thor: Peter!

hela: this is why peter is my favourite

hela: today is a great day

thor: Traitors! All of you!!

bruce: Even me?

thor: Especially you.

yelena SUCKS

'yelena' Renamed The Chat 'dummies' !

mj: reason?

yelena: dumb

mj: fair

yelena: stole a pack of cigs from nat if anyone wants to meet at the spot

peter: omw

harley: did u choose the only night im not available on purpose

yelena: no but its a nice coincidence <3

loki: god i cba to walk

peter: ill pick u up i still have harleys motorcycle lmao

loki: thank u ur great ily

peter: <3

ned: im still on vacation :((

peter: i miss my ned :((

ned: bro :(

peter: bro :(

shuri: that's enough of that

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