chapter 34

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thanos hate club

tony: should we change the name now that we're technically not in his highschool anymore?

yelena: im still in his highschool

harley: ^^^ and i doubt he'll stop being a cunt just because u left

tony: fair point

stephen: think he still wants you dead.

shuri: completely fair

peter: my dorm is so cool!!!

peter: i have a single room because the university didn't want me to have to share with an adult :))


clint: im sharing with TWO people

peter: how unfortunate for you :( maybe you should try being a child genius?

clint: :(

bucky: im glad you've got your own room!! ill be over soon to help u set it up

steve: me too! im almost finished with my dorm.

bruce: Wait are we all meeting at Peter's dorm? I was going to help him decorate too but if enough of you are going then i don't need to.

peter: brucie :(( ur really gonna leave me to fend for myself in a group of moronic morons?

bruce: Valid point. I'll be there soon.

shuri: this is favouritism no one helped me set my dorm up

harley: me and t'challa were there for HOURS helping u????

shuri: well it would have been quicker if someone else helped out

harley: it would have been quicker if u had actually done something instead of sitting on ur chair barking orders at us

peter: ladies please calm urselves

thor: Hello everyone!!

bucky: hi thor!!

nat: hi thorie

clint: pls stop

nat: clinty :(

clint: u make me upset

nat: good

loki: cannot BELIEVE peter and mobius left me alone in this horrible school

yelena: you've still got me, harley, ned and mj??

loki: @peter explain it to her in a way that doesn't make me sound awful

peter: he loves me and he simply likes you guys

ned: so offended i thought we had something real loki :(((((

harley: wowwwwwww just wowww

loki: :)

steve: peter what dorm is yours?

peter: room 3 on the first floor!!

bucky: on our way up now :)

peter: !!! YAY


harley: we're coming to hangout at ur dorm pete

peter: bold of u to assume i don't already have people over

mj: u don't have people over

peter: no but i could

yelena: u dont tho

ned: im 20 minutes away

harley: i love that ur university is so close to the highschool cos now i can skip class and come see u

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