chapter 16

328 16 4

private chat between "loki" & "mobius"

loki: i cant sleep

mobius: Why not, kitten?

loki: i hate that nickname

loki: and idk i think im just stressed

mobius: Did something happen at school?

loki: kinda? i have a spanish test in the morning and im definitely gonna fail

mobius: I remember when you were so cocky you thought you'd pass every test with flying colours

loki: yes well even cocky loki has the ability to be realistic, and realistically im definitely failing it

mobius: You could study.

loki: i could

loki: but id rather kms

mobius: Slightly dramatic, don't you think?

loki: london is glaring at me i think she agrees with you

loki: traitor

mobius: London loves me.

loki: the only person london loves is peter parker, she doesnt even love me and im her owner

mobius: She hugged me last time i was at your house.

loki: she was attempting to strangle you darling

mobius: She would never.

loki: that is incredibly optimistic for someone who has only met her like 5 times

mobius: London just called me and told me to tell you to go to sleep.

loki: london is a snake.

mobius: She's very talented.

loki: fine ill go to sleep

mobius: Great. I will see you tomorrow, love.

private chat between 'loki' & 'peter'

loki: i cant sleep and mobius told me to go to bed but im wide awake

peter: im wide awake too

peter: meet at the spot?

loki: omw

no kids allowed

steve: good morning everyone!

nat: no

steve: no?

nat: no.

tony: its too early

stephen: You went to sleep at 9 last night there is no way you're tired.

bruce: He went to sleep at 9?????

tony: i'd been up for over 32 hours i was so tired stephen had to carry me to bed

stephen: You definitely could have walked yourself.

bucky: ive never been this tired in my life

steve: i want friends who are morning people

nat: tough luck

tony: ^^^

bruce: Bucky when are you coming back to school?

bucky: as soon as shuri finishes my arm

bucky: she took measurements a few days ago so it should be done soon :)

tony: its gonna look so cool

nat: i hope you know peter is going to stick barbie stickers on it

nat: he's already bought them

bucky: lmao thats fine

tony: that kid gets away with everything i swear

bruce: Its the puppy dog eyes.

nat: bambi

bucky: bambi!!

stephen: He's still your child then?

nat: obviously

bucky: i havnt seen him in a week i miss him

steve: i can take him to come see you if you want?

bucky: yes pls

nat: i want to come

clint: wait does this make steve a stepdad?

bucky: YES

steve: no.

knock off paw-patrol

peter: i miss bucky

peter: мой папа :((((((

steve: he misses you too. i can take you to see him if you want?

peter: YES

bucky: my child :(((((

nat: im coming too петя

peter: my parents!!!!

harley: does this mean u have to stop making orphan jokes?

peter: i will never stop

thor: I didn't know you were an orphan. My condolences, Peter.

peter: oh its okay they died when i was little i dont even really remember them lol

bruce: Still, its never easy to lose people you love

peter: see harley? this is how you show kindness

harley: that joke was funny and you know it

peter: okay yes it was but still

shuri: it was very funny

ned: i felt so bad for laughing

tony: what was the joke?

yelena: harley quoted a dead meme so peter said "dead meme" and harley replied "dead parents"

yelena: 10/10 i giggled

clint: im so sorry for laughing

peter: im being bullied

nat: the second i turn 18 im adopting you idc

bucky: :(((

nat: you can adopt him too

steve: sorry you're actually going to own a child together??

bucky: "own" is a strong word

bucky: we will parent him and give him curfews and stuff

peter: i take it back i want to stay an orphan

nat: too late :)

harley: holy shit natasha romanov is actually  my future mother in-law

nat: ;)

tony: seeing as tho u stole him from me can i at least be his cool rich uncle?

peter: yes u can buy me things

bucky: fine

yelena: would this make me your auntie???

peter: no.

nat: yes.

yelena: aww come to auntie yelena

peter: i hate you

bucky: is that anyway to speak to your aunt?

clint: LMAOOO

an: sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer <3

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