chapter 12

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thor: I think the moon is out to get me.

tony: its 2am what is wrong with you

thor: The moon wants me dead.

bucky: fine ill bite

bucky: why does the moon want u dead thor

thor: I don't know!! But i have been having dreams about the moon exploding but i am the only one who dies from the explosion!

clint: sounds pretty legit

clint: i hope u and the moon mend your relationship soon <3

bruce: Please don't encourage him.

thor: As you can see, Bruce has been absolutely no help during this difficult time.

bruce: At this point i hope the moon does explode. I've been dealing with this for the last 3 days.

tony: thor have you considered that the moon is not sentient and therefore cannot "want" you dead?

thor: You'll all believe me soon!!! When that stupid moon explodes, then you will all see.

bucky: sounds like the start of a villain monologue

bruce: Thor, darling, sweetheart. I am actually begging you to shut up and go to sleep.

thor: Does the moon sleep?!? NO.

clint: has he actually gone insane or is this a joke?

bruce: I wish it were a joke.

nat: all of you stfu and go to sleep

thor: But Natasha!! What if the moon strikes when i am asleep and vulnerable??

nat: i will kill you before the moon does

clint: was that meant to be uplifting?

nat: did i not just tell u to go to sleep?

clint: sorry but im invested in the thor moon lore now

bruce: Stop encouraging him! He's driving me crazy.

private chat between 'nat' & 'loki'

nat: i know youre awake rn

nat: go and throw something at your brother and tell him that the moon doesnt want him dead

loki: what the fuck

loki: why would the moon want him dead

nat: check the no kids allowed gc

loki: ill do it after i throw spoons at him

no kids allowed


loki: you deserve it after whatever the hell that was

thor: Do you work for the moon????

bruce: You cannot be serious.

loki: no i do not work for the moon you
stupid oaf

nat: thor go to sleep

nat: ill watch the moon for u and if it starts to look suspicious ill tell loki to wake u up

thor: Fine. Goodnight, fake friends.

loki: is it bad that im kinda hoping he doesnt wake up


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