chapter 17

347 15 12

no kids allowed

thor: I want to be blind.

thor: I just walked in on Loki and Mobius kissing.

clint: just kissing?

thor: Well i hope so!

bucky: do u and bruce just kiss?? or?

bruce: Do not answer that, Thor.

thor: Loki is too young for kissing.

tony: loki is 16 thor

thor: He can wait until he is 18.

nat: u didnt wait until u were 18

steve: what's going on?

bruce: Thor is scandalised because he saw Loki and Mobius (Loki's boyfriend) kissing.

steve: ah i see. what is wrong with that?

thor: Yesterday he was 9 and now he is kissing people!!!!!!

nat: yk what? i feel for him here

nat: it feels like yelena was a little girl yesterday and now shes all grown up

thor: Yes!!

clint: ok but if it was literally just kissing whats the problem?

loki: you guys know im in this gc right?

thor: Stop kiss!!!!

loki: ok thor i will "stop kiss"

clint: 😭😭stop kiss

tony: thor didnt u lose ur virginity at like 15

bucky: HE WHAT

steve: have no room to talk here

thor: Its different for me. I am the older brother.

loki: double standards okay

loki: anyway hela said mobius could come over so, i don't actually have to listen to u

stephen: Hela?

loki: our older sister

thor: Hela is evil she throws knives at people

nat: her and petya would get along quite well then, what with his fork throwing addiction

loki: hela said peter was a "lovely boy" and that she "doesn't know how he puts up with me"

thor: When was Hela even here???

loki: she's here right now dingbat

bruce: Oh great family reunion time.

steve: is that a bad thing?

bruce: Everytime they're all together they create a hostile environment.

loki: im adding her

thor: NO

'loki' Added 'hela' To The Chat!

hela: what is this

hela: how do i leave

bruce: Ive been asking that for months.

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