chapter 19

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knock off paw-patrol

loki: fuck you thor

bruce: What's he done now?

thor: What have i done now?

loki: nothing in particular i just felt your annoying presence and it irritated me

thor: I am not even on the same floor as you right now?

loki: your aura is still lingering around

stephen: Would it really be that difficult for you two to get along?

bruce: I've asked that so many times.

peter: whats happening

loki: thor is annoying

peter: fair enough ig

thor: I haven't done anything!!

steve: loki, can you just be nice for once?

loki: no

peter: is thor's aura bad or something

loki: yes

thor: No!!! My aura is lovely, just like me.

nat: right then

loki: peter ur my new brother

peter: okay

thor: You can't just replace me.

loki: cant i? i thought i just did??

clint: oh shit??????

loki: ur out of the family thor

peter: yeah ur out of the family

bucky: petya why are u going along with this

peter: idk im bored

thor: I am not out of the family!!!

tony: take this family drama to a family chat

loki: im adding peter to the family gc

thor: That is not allowed.

bruce: You added me to it.

loki: see

basically orphans atp

'loki' Added 'peter' To The Chat!

loki: @hela meet ur new brother

bruce: Oh god this isn't going to end well

hela: lmao hi peter

peter: hi hela!!!

thor: I will reiterate, you cannot kick me out of the family and replace me with Peter!

loki: defo can

hela: peter didnt throw a pillow at me this morning so im on loki's side here

peter: :)

bruce: Thor, they aren't actually kicking you out of the family.

bruce: I think.

thor: This is cyber bullying.

loki: lets turn it into real bullying

loki: meet me in the living room

peter: please don't actually fight him

hela: my favourite brother has spoken, ur not legally not allowed to fight

thor: As if he could fight me anyways, i would wipe the floor with him.

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