chapter 13

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abe: hey peter why were u hanging out with wade wilson at lunch?

peter: because hes my friend?

cindy: that dude beats people for FUN he's literally insane

peter: he hasnt started a fight in over a month actually

betty: that does not help at all???

peter: dp is cool guys dont worry

flash: dp?

ned: dead pool


ned: yeah its awesome

flash: wait ned is also friends with the pyscho??

ned: oh no im terrified of him

shuri: wade is apparently very picky with his friends and peter is the only one worth enough

abe: are u friends with literally everyone at this school or something peter??

peter: kinda

mj: peter i recommend replying to lena

mj: she just sent me "tell pyotr to text me back before i throw him out a window"

peter: replying rn brb

flash: pyotr?

shuri: its a russian version of peter

ned: the other one is petya

betty: doesnt peter speak russian? im sure i heard him talking to someone in russian once

shuri: yeah he speaks russian

shuri: yelena, natasha and bucky have been teaching him basically since he got here

cindy: do u guys know it?

mj: i know enough

ned: i can read it but i cant really understand it that well

shuri: i barely understand any of it tbh

flash: omg i want natasha romanov to teach me russian

peter: stop obsessing over my pseudo-мама

flash: sorry its not my fault shes hot

abe: would that make her a milf?

peter: no kys shut up die

ned: LMAOO

mj: what did lena want?

peter: oh she just wanted to know if i was still taking her to the skatepark with harley tonight

betty: i still cannot believe youre dating harley keener

cindy: harley is so cool he literally rides a motorcycle

peter: he had a sidecar added to it

peter: therefore it is no longer cool and im debating breaking up with him over it

shuri: didnt u tell him not to do that

shuri: quite forcefully i might add

peter: yes. yes i did

cindy: still cool

ned: i tried the sidecar out and it was so fun

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