chapter 7

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private chat between 'tony' & 'stephen'

tony: im glad we did the hw together because i def would not have been able to do it on my own

stephen: Yeah, same.

stephen: I had fun, tony.

tony: so did i :)

stephen: We should do this again sometime.

tony: doing our homework together?

stephen: Or just hanging out.

tony: i would like that :))

stephen: :))


stephen: I will take it back.

tony: no no im sorry dont take it back

stephen: Goodnight, tony. <3

tony: holy shit u did it again

tony: night stephen <33

private chat between 'tony' & 'nat'

tony: im in love

nat: shut up

no kids allowed

clint: did u guys see peters snap story?? the kids are all out bowling rn

steve: its 10pm they should be in bed.

nat: they're having fun leave them be

bucky: steve ur acting like u wernt out every night when u were like 14

steve: SHUSH

bruce: Oh???

steve: my parents are super strict so i used to sneak out at night.

tony: i am in a state of absolute complete shock

clint: im so impressed??? didnt think u had it in u stevie boy

bucky: sometimes he'd sneak out just to wonder around his neighbourhood out of pure spite

steve: i wanted to feel a sense of teenage rebellion but i had no where to go so i just walked around.

thor: My parents are not strict.

loki: they cant be strict if theyre never here lmao

tony: felt that

clint: why dont we go out like that? like no planning just doing stuff

nat: because i dont like being seen in public with u

bruce: We can go somehwere sometime if you guys want?

thor: We are going to the cafe after school tomorrow, are we not?

bruce: No, we are. I just meant something a bit more exciting.

bucky: like what?

loki: why am i in this chat i am technically a kid by ur standards

tony: because somehow youre less hassle than the other kids

loki: aw i knew u loved me rlly

tony: kys

loki: <333

bruce: Back to the matter at hand please?

tony: we could go to a concert?

clint: conan gray is on tour rn

nat: YES


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