chapter 14

366 15 2

knock off paw-patrol

bruce: Okay which one of you gave Thor a vape??

bruce: He already has too much energy he doesn't need nicotine as well.

harley: sorry he was asking about mine so i offered to get him one

thor: It has no affect one me i think it is broken.

peter: are you inhaling?

bucky: i hate that you know what that means

peter: :)

thor: Inhaling?

yelena: harley did u not teach him how to use it before u gave it to him?

harley: i thought it was common sense

tony: ill teach u how to use it at lunch thor

thor: Thank you!!

bruce: I hate you all.

clint: sorry but who is selling harley vapes? he looks 12

harley: same guy who sells me alcohol

steve: who is selling you alcohol?

peter: he made a friend in juvie and the kids dad owns a liquor store but he started selling vapes as well for some reason

stephen: Why did he go to juvie??

harley: arson

stephen: What????

harley: lit an abandoned house on fire and it accidentally spread to this guys shed

clint: its best to just stop questioning his antics

stephen: He committed arson.

harley: by accident!!!

shuri: the shed part was an accident but the abandoned house wasnt

harley: shut up ur making me look bad

peter: u always look bad

harley: bitch

peter: <3

nat: lmao imagine getting caught committing arson

harley: this is so embarrassing natasha romanov is laughing at me

ned: we all laughed at u when u got arrested

peter: i was supposed to go with him to his court hearing but i couldnt stop laughing so they didnt let me in :(

harley: i could literally hear his cackling while i was trying to defend myself

peter: i wouldnt call "it isnt my fault that i forgot fire spreads" defending urself

bruce: I thought you weren't there for his hearing?

ned: he stood outside with his ear pressed to the door while giggling

ned: i know this because i was doing the exact same thing

loki: not to randomly change the subject but i have an overwhelming urge to embarrass thor

loki: i just want to know why he has a pillow with bruce's face on it???? its so creepy everytime i go on his room it just stares at me

thor: Get out of my room!!!!


loki: *creepypillow.png*


bruce: This is the worst day ever.

thor: I miss you when you're gone so i hug the bruce pillow :(

bruce: I'll come over more often if you let me burn that thing.

thor: YOU CANT BURN IT :,(

loki: i can

steve: wait why is loki not at school?

loki: my snake is poorly.

peter: oh no!! which one??

loki: ophelia

loki: she isnt eating or sleeping im quite concerned

peter: im coming to comfort u

tony: u cant just leave school peter

peter: ophelia is ill!! she is my favourite snake and loki is probably sad rn

loki: i am incredibly distraught

peter: see!!!!!

nat: ill tell our teachers that you are sick if they ask

peter: thanks nattie<333

tony: i would try and stop you but i feel like you wouldnt listen

peter: you are correct :)

bucky: lmao he just ran out of class

loki: the door is open just walk in

peter: ill be there in 10 minutes <3

thor: Their friendship is adorable.

shuri: i didnt think loki was capable of being nice to people

loki: being mean to peter should be considered a crime

nat: i wholeheartedly agree

harley: ^^^

bucky: ^^^

mj: why are you all on your phones rn

ned: woah where the hell did u come from

mj: everyone get off your phones youre in class

tony: why am i terrified of u

mj: shut up and listen to ur teacher

private chat between 'stephen' & 'tony'

stephen: You absolute moron. I just looked in the bathroom mirror and i have a massive bruise on my neck.

tony: i am not sorry

stephen: God no wonder people have been looking at me weirdly all day.

tony: send a pic

stephen: You're proud of this aren't you?

tony: little bit yeah ;)

stephen: Go and ask one of the girls for some concealer. I need to hide this before my mom sees it.

tony: fine but i still think u look great with it

private chat between 'tony' & 'nat'

tony: do u have any concealer with you?

nat: yeah its in my locker tho

nat: why?

tony: can i have it? ill give you it back before school ends

nat: yeah meet me at my locker

tony: thank u!! apparently people have been looking at stephen weirdly bc he didnt realise he had a massive hickey lmao

nat: lmao poor guy

nat: what happened to "taking it slow" btw

tony: ik what ur think but we havnt actually done much its really mostly just kissing

nat: hey im not judging

nat: go at ur own pace, tones

tony: ily

tony: im at ur locker hurry up

nat: omw

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