chapter 3

891 31 13

knock off paw-patrol

the deaf one: i think??? i just saw?? peter? making out with harley keener???

the cool one: i beg ur pardon?

bucky: lmao isnt that the kid who got sent to juvie for arson or smth

the boring one: yes, bucky.

the hot one: I did not know Peter was in a relationship, how delightful!!

the smart one: Im not over him throwing potatoes at me.

nat: no one cares

harley: hi whores :D

the cool one: hello potato boy

petya: harls :))))

harley: peter :))))

the deaf one: so did i see u two kissing ealier or am i blind as well as deaf now?

harley: no that was us

harley: in my defence i havnt kissed him in like 2 months

petya: ur fault for committing arson u stupid idiot

yelena: they're insufferable

ned: one minute theyre kissing and the next theyre spitting insults left, right and centre


petya: u didnt ask

nat: petya can i keep u

the cool one: ???? no hes mine wtf

petya: id be open to a shared custody arrangement

harley: omg is natasha romanov my future mother-in-law???

nat: not if u dont stay out of juivie

harley: understood ma'am

the smart one: Why is he suddenly respectful

shuri: he responds well to strong women

yelena: its incredibly helpful when he's being an idiot

ned: ^^^^

petya: ^^^^

harley: betrayed by my own boyfriend </3

the hot one: Your relationship is most intriguing!

petya: not sure how to take that but thanks

the hot hot one: Can i add my brother to this grouochat? I think he would enjoy it!

yelena: loki??

petya: omg i love loki hes so funny

the cool one: he's evil no

the smart one: hes like 15 how evil could he possibly be

nat: he has multiple snakes

the cool one: he has threatened to kill me with a spoon more times than i can count

nat: and he is the most cocky person on the planet

the hot one: So is that a yes or no on the adding him?

nat: obviously its a yes i love seeing people threaten tony

'the hot one' Added 'loki' To The Chat!

loki: no

'Loki' Left The Chat!

'the hot one' Added Loki To The Chat!

the hot one: Stay.

loki: whatever

petya: hi loki!! hru? (its peter btw)

loki: hi peter, im miserable. thanks

nat: hi loki

loki: hello natasha

shuri: loki!!!! hiiii

loki: oh god why are u here

shuri: that is incredibly offensive

loki: u said i look like a "greasy little rat boy".

the cool one: AHAHAH

the deaf one: LMFAOO

yelena: amazing

ned: why do steve and bucky keep disappearing??

the deaf one: thor and bruce do too...

shuri: wait peter and harley are gone as well

the cool one: great all the couples have left us single people to suffer

the deaf one: speak for urself me and laura are very happy together

the cool one: kys

nat: pepper and i are also very happy together

the cool one: i still cannot believe you're dating my ex smh

nat: :))

AN - i believe in peter getting adopted by the russians supremacy<3333

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