chapter 20

304 13 0

knock off paw-patrol

'nat' Renamed The Chat 'idiots + natasha'!

clint: is there context or?

nat: ur all idiots

nat: thats the context

bruce: I am very smart.

tony: ^^ yeah me too

bruce: Do not agree with me.

tony: shut up ur dumb

nat: idiots.

peter: :(

bucky: great look at what youve done

bucky: he's sad now

peter: :'(

bucky: he's crying natasha

'nat' Renamed The Chat 'idiots + n&p'

peter: :)

nat: :)

tony: this is favouritism. blatant favouritism.

nat: i have never denied the fact the peter is my favourite

yelena: im so offended

harley: u spelt ur own name wrong today

yelena: i was high

nat: in school?

ned: someone brought in brownies but they didn't mention that they had weed in them

yelena: yeah so technically it wasnt my fault

harley: that would be true if u hadn't gone back and eaten 2 more brownies dipshit

bruce: This chat is a nightmare.

thor: Yelena! You were drugged???

yelena: yeah :(

peter: *screen shot

yelena: lmao im so high rn

peter: its 10am literally how

yelena: weed brownies bby

yelena: ive had 3 already *

shuri: lmao exposed

nat: yelena if you get high at school again i will sell all of your belongings.

yelena: i've literally just recovered from the last time you did that

tony: shes done that before???

nat: she deserved it

stephen: Someone let me leave this chat.

tony: no

bruce: I also want to leave.

thor: No!!

loki: i stole a brownie for you peter

peter: yes ily!!!!!<3333

bucky: pretending i didnt see that for plausible deniability

nat: as long as ur not in school idc

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